If he is 5 weeks old, that means I only have 3 weeks till I go back to work! That makes me sad. I really am going to miss him so much when I am at work. I do have to say though, these past five weeks I have realized I couldn't be a stay at home mom.I love my son to death but I also love being a teacher. I went and spent some time with Mrs. Lana, Tilley's daycare person and I realized that she will be so good for him. She has a routine, she loves being there with the kids and he will have other kids to play with. While I was there she has the best behaved 4,3,2,1,8month old children I had ever seen. She has rules and she is consistent. I feel so good about leaving him with her. He truly will get so much more being with her than he would with me. I would spend more time trying to do house stuff or me stuff and not give him the stimulation he needs. This is her job, she wants and loves to give love to babies and children.
Don't get me wrong, in three weeks I am going to be a mess leaving my little sweetheart and not being at home to watch those smiles and hear those laughs but I know this is what is right for our family. A happy mom makes a happy baby.
Well he has changed so much in five weeks. Like the post before said he is starting to smile. In the morning he is all smiles and giggles. He loves to look around the room and see things. Matt will walk him around and you know he is taking it all in. He loves to watch Baby Einstein. These movies are freaky for adults but to an infant they are GREAT! He loves his swing still and also loves tummy time. His binki is still a necessity! He is growing so fast! Every time I pick him up he seems heavier and heavier. He is 11 pounds 14 ounces as of the scale I have at home. He hates laying on it so I am sure it is off a few ounces since he squirms on it but still!! He is starting to move his arms more purposefully. Before he would just throw them around and hit himself in the head, now he moves them it seems for a reason. I am really starting to figure his cries out. I know which ones mean he is mad at me for taking to long to get the milk out, I know which ones mean gas and pain, I know which ones mean pay attention to me. I love being able to figure him out when he needs me to. At night he is doing a great job of sleeping. He goes 3-4 hour stretches which is nice. Hopefully by the time school starts I will have moved him to his crib. That is also something I am not looking forward to. It is so easy to have him right there beside me, but I know the crib will be better for him, and the bassinet is getting a little cramped for him and me. So we will see!