So yesterday we spent the day at Rex at our "preparing for childbirth" class. It was interesting to say the least. No we didn't watch a birth on video like everyone thinks. We just talked about the stages of labor, what positions help relax and reduce the pain, what to expect and took a tour of the labor and delivery ward. It was fun to talk with moms that are in the same boat as you. There were lots of young couples ready and eager like us.
The funniest part was when we were taking our tour, there was a lady in labor about to give birth and she was SCREAMING her lungs off! We all walked by and laughed but got chills at the same time. We knew we would be there in a few weeks and it just made it more real. The nurse walked by and said ignore the sound effects! We all laughed, but when we walked back by her room she was done, so at least it didn't last too long.
Also here is a much anticipated picture of my 36 expanding waist line. I do have to say up to the last few weeks this pregnancy has been amazing! I have really loved every moment and felt good about my body image. That went to hell in the past three weeks. This has been the worst part and as time goes on I get more and more sad because of how my body is changing. Things are happening that I know wont go back. Stretch marks are appearing daily, and the scale keeps rising weekly. My abdomen hurts all the time and my butt is sore from sitting for only a few moments. Being that I have always been someone who hasn't had to worry about being petite, I am now trying hard to get myself prepared for the long journey ahead to get myself back into somewhat of a good shape. I know that I will lose some weight when he is born, but in the mirror I know most of what I am gaining now isn't him by fat on me. :( It all comes with the territory, which I signed on for nine months ago! I know in the end when he is here it will all be worth it and the idea of my body image will hopefully be only a faint dream!
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