When I went to the doc yesterday he was a little worried about the fact that I keep gaining weight each week. I mean 2-3 pounds a week. If I keep this up I will be 180 before my son gets here! I am so not happy! I really don't feel that I am eating a ton more than before. I think the emotions start to come out when I have to get dressed in the morning and nothing fits. It makes my day start off bad. Today I wanted to take the dog for walk and I couldn't even fit into my husbands bball shorts because I am to damn big!
Well the doc did have good news. I am now 90 percent effaced which is a good sign. Again I can stay like this for three more weeks or I can go into labor tonight. I am hoping for the tonight part because I am ready to pull my eyelashes out at school. I really am done with my children and over them. School is getting harder and harder because I don't have the tolerance I should. I know that I need to calm down or my BP will explode but I am just plain DONE!
I still haven't packed my bag because I have no idea what to put in it and I feel I will get my hopes up for nothing. We are putting the carseat in the car this weekend which is exciting but also a tease because he isn't here yet! I wish I knew when he would come.
Doc said he is kinda turned a funny way. His head is down but his back is facing my left side and his face is facing my right side. So he is kinda sideways which means his shoulders will come out in a very painful way. I am hoping that he shifts a little and gets himself in the right place because I don't know if I can do that. He is also on the bigger weight side so I know he will be a big baby! We shall see!