So as I was sitting at Nancy's table today it dawned on me...I am two weeks away from being 7 months pregnant. I am amazed at how time has flown by. Even though it seems so fast, I feel like I have been pregnant for a really long time. Tilly is growing so much in the past few days. Matt is amazed each weekend when he comes home how much my belly has enlarged. :) Tilly has also started to move around more consistently and it has been so fun to watch my belly move in waves. I can really feel him rolling and tumbling in there.
Being pregnant is one of those thoughts you think about your whole life. I would always wonder how it would feel? How would my body change? How does it know how to do all this? What is it like having a living thing move around on your insides? I am amazed each day with this little guy. I was always worried about not being maternal, but this past month it has really hit me. I can't wait to hold this little guy!
Life overall is going good. Matt and I are starting to prepare for the obvious and that is he will most likely be working in VA when Tilly gets here. We have started to talk with family about being able to stay up here and be with me for the first few months while Matt is gone. We have talked about setting up times where I will have someone with me so that I don't freak out. I am starting to worry about him being gone but I know that I can't prepare as much as I would like. Having him be gone is going to be hard but I know that right now for our family it is what we need.
Stella is going to start having a rude awaking. We are going to start to try and keep her off the couch because she doesn't know how to handle herself when she is on the couch. I am so worried when people come to visit us and Tilly she will be all over them. I don't want to have to worry about taking her out while someone is here trying to hold Tilly. Matt and I have talked a lot about a fence so hopefully come April we can get one installed. This will help out so much because we won't have to worry about her being in her pen and freaking out.
Well we have three showers planned for the next two months. I am really excited about them because I get to see all my dear friends who I haven't seen in forever! March 28th is the first one and that is will all my highschool/college friends. I can't wait to catch up and see everyone!! April 4th is my husbands side of the families shower. His aunts are throwing a shower for everyone on mine and his side of the family. The last one is the one at work that is on the 24th of April. I am excited about this one because Matt gets to come and meet some school friends he has only heard about. I can't wait to share the Tillyman with everyone!! Time is going by so fast.
The first week of April we are going to Mrytle Beach for spring break! I am excited because that means this is the last vacation before he gets here. I am worried about the four hour drive but other than that I am excited. It is with Matt's family so that is exciting! Hopefully we will go out on a date just Matt and I so we can have one last night out before he gets here!
This weekend I am hoping Matt will feel up to painting the nursery. We borrowed a peice of the bedding from a friend so we can get the exact colors. We are still unsure of what to do but hopefully we will figure it out before Saturday. I really really want my brother to draw a mural on the wall which I would paint it. There is a really cute monkey on the bedding and I would love for James to draw the mural right above the changing table. Something small so when he is older if he doesn't want it anymore, it would be a hassel to paint over.

Two weekends from now my parents are coming to visit. I am so excited because they will get to see the nursery. We are going to suprise them with a visit to a place that does 3D/4D ultrasounds. We are going to say we are going to lunch but show up at this place I can't wait, my dad is going to be so excited!! I hope they are just as excited as we are about seeing Tilly on the ultrasound. They say by then he will have some baby fat so he will look the most like he will when he is born.
Holey cow that was a lot of writing. I will post pictures of the nursery this weekend if we end up painting!!