Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Nursery part 2

So tonight Matt came home and called his friend David to come and carry the dressers upstairs. It was so exciting to open the box and get all the peices out!! The room looks half complete now. It will be complete in June of 2009!!! Today I went online and looked at baby bedding and found 17 different types of bedding that I loved. I found three others at pottery barn kids that I loved. I hope it will be easier when we find out January 16th whether it is a boy or girl (My intuition def. thinks it is a girl....people that see me think it is a girl because of how little weight I have gained and how I am more flat then round...) we shall see!! If it is a girl it will be easier to find bedding because Matt said I could pick anything I wanted. With a boy he gets 51 pecent say in what the bedding looks like. We made a bet! I am more of a colors patterns person and he is more of a theme person. There are some beddings that I really like that have a theme but I don't like anything to busy. I just hope we can agree. After we pick something out hopefully Aunt Katie and Uncle Chris will come up to help paint. We will def. be changing it if it is a girl. If it is a boy it will all depend on the bedding. I would like to paint over the blue since there are some spots that need touch up and we don't have anymore paint. :) Enjoy the pictures below!!

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