Ok so I have been slack. I started to feel better and the whole world changed. I am started to eat better and I am not so tired. I think I am becoming a normal person again. We went to the doctor Friday and the heartbeat was 150. She said things sound great. The little bean is sitting on my right side and I think it is causing some pain in my right buttock. I guess this all comes with pregnancy. I also had to change my contacts because my eye balls have changed shape. It is really odd what happens to your body.
Well things on the moving front have officially ended. Friday marked the bittersweet year. We are not moving and Matt is really looking for a job here. He applied for one at Chapel Hill so keep your fingers crossed. I know he is really excited about it but his hopes have been let down alot. The job right now that he has is really stressing him out and he is getting sick with the all the crap. I feel so bad for him.
School is getting better. I am def. finding that me starting to feel better helps the kiddos feel better. We have five days till Christmas break and I can't wait!! I am going to sleep sleep sleep.
Other then that things are pretty boring around here...which I don't mind for once. People said things would change when you have a baby...I can already tell that Matt and I are starting to enjoy each other and spend time together because we know it wont last long that we are alone. I love this man more then anything and I don't know what I would do without him.
Put on your calenday January 16th.....that is when we find out if bean is Addison Marie or Tillman Cohen!!!!