Well this is the start of my eigth week. I am feeling ok. I am so hungry, but food is not making me want to eat. For example last night Matt ordered pizza and I started to eat and felt sick. Couldn't eat anything all night. Then this morning I was in the kitchen while he was getting the pizza out to heat up and when I looked in the box at the cold pizza I couldn't get enough of it COLD. I know it is so weird what our bodies need right now. I am trying to eat healthy but I really like the comfort fatty foods. I am trying to eat when I am hungry and not when I am not. So we shall see. This part sucks because I want good food but then I get it and don't want it.
Well Friday marks the first ultrasound. I am so SCARED. This week is bittersweet because I can't wait to meet this little bug inside me but I am so scared I am going to get there and there will be no heartbeat. I have been praying alot and that is also a sense of contention because I feel like I only call on him in need. I hate that part about me. I hate that I only rely on him when I am scared or need advice. This is the scariest moment in my life and I keep talking with him. I am worried that he looks at me and say "oh of course you talk to me now..." I know this is stupid and I know that it isn't true but I really feel bad. I want to be able to talk with him when I am not scared and I jsut don't. This friday I know that I am going to feel sick and I am going to cry alot either way. I know that the plan for this little bug inside me is already set out but I hate not knowing. I want this baby so bad. I want it to be healthy and to grow up being so loved that it sometimes doesn't know what to do with it all. I want this baby to know he or she has two parents who love each other and will be together forever. I want this baby to know that his or her mother and father loved them from the moment they found out. This is the part of pregnancy people don't talk about. I am so emotional and in love with this pea sive being. I am doing everything I can to keep it safe and protected. I am worried about what I eat and drink. I am worried about stretching and moving. I am worried about peeing and not peeing. This is the part that people don't tell you about. Friday I am praying will be the first time we meet our little baby! I can feel my body changing and it is amazing how your body knows how to do this!!
Well yesterday I found out that another teacher at my school is pregnant and due in June. There will be three of us going through this year pregnant! I can't wait to see all of us in a few months with our little bellies. :) (or big ones)
Saturday is also another day of excitement. We will be telling our family (or my family) that we are pregnant. We are going to Hickory to eat Thanksgiving dinner. I am so excited because we all haven't been together since our weddin which was four years ago. I can't wait to tell everyone!! I know they are all going to be sooo excited!! I will show you all their reactions when we get back!
This week is going to be a breeze because we have two teacher workdays, and then we have a performance on Friday. I can't wait till Friday!!
I haven't posted my about this election because I think that everyone is entitled to their own thoughts. I voted and I can't wait till Tuesday. The presidental election isn't the election I am worried about. I am worried about this state and the person we elect for Govenor. I voted for Bev and I am hoping that she wins. Pat McCrorey is running against her and if he wins being a teacher will get harder. He doesn't value teachers the way all the other govenors have. I hope she wins because if not I might have a career change.
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