Ok so Matt and I just got back from this movie and I am a ball of emotions. I can't stop thinking about this movie or crying. While watching this movie all I could think about was losing Matt. How morbid I know. I just kept thinking about life without him. Thinking about what I would do. Matt and I don't see each other Tuesday and Wednesday of the week. He is in VA and I am here. I am sad and I miss him so much when he isn't here. While watching this movie I started to think about all the wives out there that have lost thier husband, or their husband is serving our country and they stationed somewhere over seas, or a husband that leaves the entire week. I can't imagine living their life. This movie def. hit a chord in which made me think about how I take our life for granted. I complain, bitch, cry, blame and do everything else I shouldn't. I do it because I think our life stinks with this whole move....but it could be worse. I could be alone forever. Matt could be gone forever. We live an amazing life. We have an amazing family, house, life, friends, jobs and everything else. We are lucky. I say I know this but do I really. Do I really know how lucky we are? People always say you don't know what you have till you lose it. I don't want to lose something to be greatful for it. Can you be greatful for your life if you don't lose someone or something important? I need to do a better job of letting person who obviously gave me this life know I am greatful for what we have. I need to show him that I don't take it all for granted....but I don't want to lie. I want to truely be greatful. How do you show that? How to show him that you are greatful for you husband, friends, family, life? I guess the answer is in prayer, devotion and constant reminders that we don't do this, he does! Those words are easy to type but I don't do them daily or even weekly. This is a part of my life that I need to work on. I say it alot and I do work on it. Slowly but surely. I think about my life and how I prject myself on others. I don't ever want people to think that I am fake or ungreatful. I want the people closest to me to know that they are amazing people and I am so greatful for their friendship and love. I want my family to know that without them this life would not be possible. I want my amazing husband to know that I love him from a place where there is no end. We live our life to hecticly and we are sometimes in passing, but I love you so dearly. You are my everything in this world and this world would be nothing without you. You make this world doable. I am so greatful for your friendship, love, compassion, support and most of all for the man you have become and the man you are!
Ok....so all this came from a movie....you should def. go see it!
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