Ok so when your young that word meant alot. I remember thinking about all the great things that happen to people on spring break!! Those were the days...
This week I am off and it has been a mix of emotions. It started out with a monday where I went to school to clean the room so I wouldn't spend my workday doing that. Then I went home and studied for my test.
Tuesday I took the VCLA and found out that I pretty much failed it. I wont officially know till April 26th. I didn't know how much of a tole it took on my but I went home and slept. I was exhausted.
Wednesday was the best day with happy moments. I went and worked out with Nancy and Katherine and we worked hard. Then I went to lunch with Miss Erin and her new baby Caroline. We also had nancy, shannon, jimmy and kristen join us. It was great!! I love lunches like that which brings great friends together. We cought up with Mrs. Shannon and celebrated her great baby news. We gabbed about school and kids. It was the best.
Thursday I went and bought new summer clothes which is always exciting. I love my new found store New York and Company!! It has the best clothes. I also ate lunch with Miss Katherine!! We gabbed about school and fun things. I love days like this....
Well Friday holds nothing except working out and a drive to ECU to get ready for OM. I am split about my feelings for this weekend. They have me down as a door person which sucks because I wanted to judge but they don't have me in that position. I signed up to judge not to open doors. I hope that I can be in a good mood so I wont be grumpy. We will see....
Well it finally hit me hard that we will be moving. This past Friday all of us were out celebrating national boards and thriller and I drove home and just cried. I hadn't crided like that in a long time. I was thinking about all these amazing people that I will be leaving. Their life will go on and my life will as well. The hard part is they will go on without each other. I really don't want to lose these friendships. I pray that we can stay in touch and we can alawys stay close.
Well you can't be a teacher unless you can laugh at yourself. This past week 12 teachers were very daring. We had a variety show at school and we all decided to dance in the show. So we practiced the THRILLER dance for weeks and at the show we were the last performance. It was amazing!!! We all dressed up and put makeup on. We did our hair and bought goodwill dressess. We were on a stage and the kids loved it. The picture is the picture of me while dancing. The others are of all the other teachers in their costumes!! I love things like this. This makes me love teaching. The kids were so excited to see us!!!
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