Ok so I see now what no one reads my blog. I don't update it. :) Simple as that!! Ok so I am on Christmas break from school and I am bored and Matt is playing his new computer game so I thought this would be a great time to play around with my blog. As you can see I changed the background all by myself. I didn't call James one time!!! Even though I deleted the part where I am able to change the font type I still made it look pretty. Not sure how I deleted that part but I did. Ohwell!
Well we have some pretty exciting things happening in our lives. We are moving to VA at the end of the school year. Matt is taking a job there which is a GREAT opp. for him. Now before you ask I wasn't happy with the move. I didn't want to leave this glorious place call Raleigh. I love it here. Our house is great and the people are amazing! How could I leave? Well as a wife these are those moments where you suck up the sadness and support your husband. There was never a moment where I thought about not moving because I know how excited he is. I know he wants this and it is great for our family and I know all this. That doesn't make the move any easier. I know I will cry, I am crying as I type that is how attached I am of this place. I think what I am so sad about is leaving the friends I have made. These are people that have been there since we started this journey. These are people that have been through the move and the house and the dog and the JOB. I am so scared that our friendships will stop with this move. I don't want to lose these amazing people. I felt the same way when I graduated college. Now a days it is so hard to stay in touch with people because you have so much going on. I just don't want them to forget about me and our friendship. I think that sounds selfish but these people have been there for me through it all and I don't know what I am going to do without them. I am also very sad about leaving my school. Millbrook has been a place that no one could imagine. This is a school that has embraced me and all that I am. If you know me at all you know that is alot more then people bargin for. Paula has been an amazing mentor and without her I wouldn't have this job. She has pushed me to be a better teacher in every way. She has shown me how to stand up for myself as well as be strong in those moments when you want to lose it. The entire staff has truely become family. This is a place where you walk down the hallway and people hug you and ask how you are or call you beautiful just because. This is a place where people know your buisness because they care about you and wnat to be there for you. And las but not least the team I work with. These woman are a blessing from heaven. They truely make this job bearable. They are the four people in my life that know almost everything. My neighbor is the person I can't live without. She will never know how much she has meant to me. She has taught me so many amazing things. This person will never know her impact. I always joke about her getting sick of me and even if she is she NEVER lets me know it. Nancy is the only person in the world that will always put you first in the conversation and when you talk with her she is always excited to hear the story or your plans. I have never met someone who truely cares about her friends the way she does. She will be missed the most!!!!! How could I leave all this? I am so scared I am going to get into a school that doesn't get ME or I don't get it. VA has alot of traditional schools which will be a shock in itself. I just hope that I can keep all the memories and make new ones as well.
Other then the move nothing new is really happening. We will put our house on the market some time in Jan or Feb. Hope it sells fast and for what we ask and then we will move in temp. housing till I finish out the year. I hope that this all goes smoothly or I might just lose it. Matt has been amazing. He knows this is hard for me. He wants what is best for us and I know this is the best for us but it still hard.
Well Christmas has gone and the new year approaches. I am excited about this year but the past two years have flown by. I can't wait to see what the new year has to offer I hope that all our family stays well and that our friends will have all their wishes come true. I will upload some pictures from the family Christmas dinner. I will also put some Stella pictures up. Matt got me A Nilon D40 camera for my birthday so there will be many pictures to come!!!
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