Ok so this weekend I threw Matt a 25th suprise birthday party!! It was great!! I had all his family up here along with all his friends!! It was amazing!! He loved every moment of the party. He hates having attention on him so at time he was a little shy but it was great. He also got every gift he asked for. I loved throwing him the party but it was sooooo nerve racking. On Friday I had to drive all the way to ECU to pick my brother up and I had to lie to Matt and tell him I was at school since he had taken the day off. I hate lieing to him but it was all worth it. He was very suprised to see everyone there. He knew something was up when his mom was putting on makeup in the car right before they got home! :) I loved seeing his face when he walked in the door!! This is the first time in five years we have been together that I have given him something for his birthday. He doesn't like getting things he just likes giving so I wanted to really suprise him!! Now he wants to start planning thanksgiving up at our house!! The thing he loves the most is having everyone he loves at our house!! That is what I wanted to give him!!
We also found out this weekend that our good friends the Hardens are expecting their first child, a baby girl!!!!! I am so excited for them because it has been a long year trying for this little miricale!!!! I am going to live vicariosly through her these nine month. The sad part though is she is going to be a stay at home mom which means she wont be teaching with us anymore :(. I am just being selfish because she is an amazing teacher!! I am so excited!! Baby's are in the air!!!

Walking in the door!!!! SUPRISE!!!
James my brother and my dad!!! Who is cooler?

Matts birthday cake!! Guitar Hero II!!!
Matts sister and brother inlaw ( my sister and brother inlaw as well :) )
Matts mom and dad
Erin's pregnant????
That's cool. Surpise parties are really nerve racking for the person planning them but it is amazing and fun when it all works out. I planned a surprise party for Rod's 25th and it was great. Hope everything is going well. Good luck on the upcoming school year!
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