So I haven't posted in months and my first post back is my bucket list. No nothing is wrong with me but I have been thinking about the future a lot! I am a goal setter and like to look forward to something. Being a teacher I get that luxary each year, but with my ADHD I tend to lose focus easliy and not really enjoy the journey. With that said I have been thinking about all the things I want to do before I die. Here is the list that I hope to accomplish before I kick the bucket.
Random Order
1. Go to all inclusive resort in Fiji with my husband for a week
2. Jump out of an airplane
3. have two more children
4. go to Africa on a Safari
5. see the grand canyon
6. take my family on a two week European excursion
7. own at least ten acres of land and a horse
8. become a pretty good photographer
9. swim with a dolphin
10. get lasik
to be continued...