Friday, December 31, 2010

Baby Liam

Lets take a look back to 6-15-09, I was walking the dog because it was my due date and I wanted Tillman OUT! As I was walking I came upon the Ridouts. Jill was yelling "get him" while Aj was killing a spider! Molly was standing beside Jill laughing. Jill being the friendly person she is asked when I was due and I told her my due date was today and I was walking hoping to start labor. We talked about babies and she was so friendly! I went home and the first thing I did was facebook her! I told her I wasn't a stalker but since she lived in my neighborhood I wanted to be friends. Moments later she called and said she wanted to bring me something. She showed up at my door and had Fisher's baby book. She wanted me to not be scared about labor and show me how neat it was. I was so amazed with her and how friendly she was! I had never met someone so genuine and outwardly caring to someone she just met!

Fast forward and year and half and Jill and I have become great friends! She keeps me grounded because she isn't a "teacher" friend. I hang with her and teaching isn't a topic because we have so many other things in common to talk about. What I love most about Jill is that she is the most genuine encouraging person I have ever met. She isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes and always wants to support her friends. Whatever I tell her she gives great advice and always motivates me to be the best me! She is an amazing mom who has three beautiful children! She is one of those friends who I may not talk to all the time but we pick up right where we left off.

Well ever since Tillman was born I have been intrigued with birth! I really wanted to see a baby be born and Jill offered to let me see baby Liam be born! I was amazed with how beautiful this event was. Take away all the science and just ground yourself with what is happening! When Liam made his appearance I kept saying "Oh my gosh..that is a baby!" The neonatal nurse said, "I have seen hundreds of births and it still amazes me!" I am so grateful for Jill letting me be present for such an amazing event! I will forever remember baby Liam's birth! Here are some pictures!

Me and Jill loving on baby Liam!
AJ and Jill with baby Liam!
Getting cleaned!
Jill's favorite part of a baby is the labor...can't you tell! Took her eight minutes to push baby Liam out!
Molly and Jill enjoying a nice popsicle while waiting for baby Liam!

New Year's Resolution....

So this year is a new year! I can't wait for this year to begin. I love new adventures and get bored very easily! I am always looking for a new challenge and the last couple months I feel that I haven't had a challenge and so I am looking for a new one this year!

This resolution was sparked by many different things but mainly I wanted to eat healthier, spend less money, and feel productive in the house wife category. ;)

So this year I have decided to attempt meal planning for our family. If you all knew how much we spent on food for a family of two and a half you would flip! We are very spoiled and don't want to give up cable or Internet so in order to be better stewards of our money, I want to help cut our food bill down. We believe that Walmart is still in business because of our family! ;)

What I have going for me is I love to cook! I love to eat and I love to try out new foods! Meal planning seems pretty easy and seems to really make shopping organized.

What I have against me is that I really change my mind about my food cravings. I can't project how tired I will be during the week. My cooking skills aren't the best!

My other goal is to cut coupons and to see if I can save money. I am trying to balance my life and one area is being a better mom and wife. I work really hard in my profession but I know that my family suffers. This year I want to work on me and to become a better person. Tillman is becoming more independent and wants to do more with us. I have really made an effort to put my things away and spend more time with him. My patience is def. an area I want to work on along with being more tolerant! (All my IB is rubbing off!)

So this year I want to meal plan, cut coupons, and lose 30 pounds! Lets see if I can do it! Since I can't post without pictures here is my sweet boy and his momma! Everything I do is for him!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

To little birdies!

Tillman loves food! He loves it now so much more because he can try the food that we eat most of the time! He will stand under our feet and saw more more when we are eating. The other day Matt said grab your camera and come here! So I did...this is what I found!

Both of them begging for food!

I laughed so hard I couldn't take anymore pictures! Boy do I love this kid!

Snow Day!

So a couple weeks ago we had snow. Didn't even know that it was supposed to snow! I took Tillman out because I wanted to see how he reacted to the snow. It was pricless! I couldn't wait to use my new camera lens! Gosh he has grown up so much he looks like a little boy not a baby!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Here is our Christmas card that many will get after the new year! :)
With Love Chartreuse Christmas Card
Turn your unique photos into Christmas cards with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.