Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blog Hiatus...

So I find that when life gets dull I don't write. Not sure why but I get into these blogging moods where all I want to do is type and then there are other days where I have to make myself get on the computer. Oh how life has changed, when we were first married all I wanted to do was get on the computer.

Well life has been the same since the last post. Tillman has turned one and I had all these great pictures of his birthday but my camera was in RAW mode and my computer doesn't seem to read them from the card so I am not sure how to change that in order to see the pictures. I should google that but I am not sure what to google.

Tillman is really starting to get brave with standing! He won't take a step by himself but will cruise along with furniture. He loves to push behind this grocery cart and other rolling thing. He loves to show us and moves so quickly.

Boy does our son have a temper. He is beginning to show his true colors when he gets mad. I do have to say the temper comes from me. When he gets frustrated with something he will fling his head forward screaming while turning red. I can't help by laugh, but I am not sure how to stop it because I don't feel like I am giving in when he is throwing a tantrum.

As a new mom there are so many things you have to learn and remind yourself of. For example explaining everything you do and why you do it is new for us. There are times where I will be feeding him dinner and I haven't said a word to him. Then there are other times where I look like a fruit loop walking around a store talking away even answering my own questions. I see now why people say your first is always your learning curve!

We leave in two days for our family reunion in KY! I can't wait because it has been since my freshman year that I have seen these people! I can't wait to introduce Tillman to them all!! I am also excited to get away since when your on vacation the rules don't apply to food and fun!!! I hope the ten hour drive will be ok with the baby but we shall see!!

Also I haven't taken a picture of my son in weeks! What is wrong with me!!