So the past five months my life has been consumed by a little old thing called National Boards. This is an honor that teachers can receive if they attempt the portfolio and assessment and pass! This also brings a 12% pay raise (right now, that could all change with the NC budget) which is really nice.
Now this board project is no small feat. Until someone attempts it, it really is something you can't understand. My friend Nancy did it two years ago, and I thought I was supportive but I had NO IDEA what she was going through.
It is an emotional rollar coaster because you put your heart and soul into the portfolio. You put yourself out there for a stranger (who doesn't have to be board certified) to read and decide if you meet all the accomplished teacher requirments.
My friend Laura and I decided on the last day to sign up to take the plunge and get it done. Now the fact that NC has stopped paying for NBCT to do the process helped nudge us a little more!
The past five months ended on March 22nd when we sent the boxes and then on April 1st we took the test to end it all. We won't know until November or December whether or not we passed. Now the odds of passing are very low the first time. Many great educators I know didn't pass the first time so I know that it won't be a shock if I don't pass. It still will be hard though because I really want to pass.
Please send a prayer for peace come November so that when the scores do come back my heart will be at ease with whatever happens. Being an educator isn't just a job but a passion. I take everday seriously and this year has been hard with all the changes and having a new baby, but I wouldn't change it for the world!