Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Date Night with the Hubby
So as I blogged stalked today I stumbled upon a blog that is doing something called "Project 52" which is her plan to have 52 dates with her husband from now till the end of the year! I was so intrigued because I always say things to Matt never spend time with me...we don't hang out anymore...We don't laugh anymore...ok so that sounds a little dramatic but in reality Matt and I don't really "hang" out anymore unless we are on a mission which involves a task that isn't about us. I always said to Matt that I want us to make an effort to stay in love. I want us to show our children what a healthy marriage looks like and show them all the time that we love each other. I come from divorced parents which means I want to do things differently then they did.
Anyway back to the gist of things here...while stalking this blog and reading about their dates, I saw a guest blogger that said she set up folders for the month and at the beginning of the month they open them together and set the dates. Inside the folder is gift cards, or tickets or already planned dates and all they have to set the date! I thought this was the coolest thing ever!!
My goal for the rest of spring break is to create April to May of next year folders for each month. I am going to set up two dates for the month have them planned and ready to go! I think this will ease Matt's mind because he hates spending money, but this way he doesn't need to spend money for the month. I think I might even coordinate grandparents to come up so we can go out without finding a babysitter!
I am really really excited about this! Divorce is such a ramped thing these days and I know life gets crazy but I think it is so special to spend time to date your husband. I am really going to give this a huge effort and see how it goes. The guest blogger said she loves getting dressed up and hearing her children comment on her clothes and how their parents look so happy. I want that for my children and I feel this way we can take the stress out of "planning" dates because of the necessity of them. They will already be planned and all we have to do is show up!!
**I need idea for cheap fun dates!! Leave a comment and share with me what you think would be a fun date!
Anyway back to the gist of things here...while stalking this blog and reading about their dates, I saw a guest blogger that said she set up folders for the month and at the beginning of the month they open them together and set the dates. Inside the folder is gift cards, or tickets or already planned dates and all they have to set the date! I thought this was the coolest thing ever!!
My goal for the rest of spring break is to create April to May of next year folders for each month. I am going to set up two dates for the month have them planned and ready to go! I think this will ease Matt's mind because he hates spending money, but this way he doesn't need to spend money for the month. I think I might even coordinate grandparents to come up so we can go out without finding a babysitter!
I am really really excited about this! Divorce is such a ramped thing these days and I know life gets crazy but I think it is so special to spend time to date your husband. I am really going to give this a huge effort and see how it goes. The guest blogger said she loves getting dressed up and hearing her children comment on her clothes and how their parents look so happy. I want that for my children and I feel this way we can take the stress out of "planning" dates because of the necessity of them. They will already be planned and all we have to do is show up!!
**I need idea for cheap fun dates!! Leave a comment and share with me what you think would be a fun date!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Comparing apples to oranges...
So as a mom you always hear "don't compare children...they all grow so differently.." Through pregnancy I kept reminding myself of that because people always said that about pregnancy. Now that Tillman is nine months old, I have to constantly remind myself of that. When I look at him and compare him to other babies born the same time or even a few months later, he is definitely taking his sweet time to become mobile. He is perfectly content on sitting and not moving. Nothing entices him to try to move, NOT EVEN FOOD!! Needless to say I an enjoying this non mobile time because I can plop him on the floor and not worry he is getting into something. I don't think it means anything developmentally but it is hard to not compare or ask why. I know that as he grows and being a teacher I am going to have high expectations for Tillman. I am going to work hard to teach him all about the world around him. I just hope that I can keep my comparing in check. Tillman is perfect in my eyes! He is the happiest most fun loving laid back child that a mom could ask for! He has become such a little man and as a mom I am so proud of all the milestones he has met. Crawling will come as walking will come but I need to sit and enjoy this time. (Someone remind me of this post when I am pulling my hair out with a crawler going all over the place!)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Best Daddy in the WHOLE world!
Well I have always known I married an amazing man. There are plenty of times where don't remember how amazing but I am one lucky gal. When Tillman was born he stepped up and took care of me and him while working. Matt never took a day off of work after Tillman was born. Through this past nine months he has changed diapers, cleaned snot and spit up, helped me through recovery, while still being a great husband. He loves to play with Tillman and be the fun dad. He also will clean the house, wash dishes and do laundry! I love him so much and watching the man you love play and laugh with your son, melts our heart! You can see from the picture that even with drool about to hit his head he still does whatever to make Tillman laugh!

Getting so big!
So as we approach the nine month mark I begin to get a little sad. My little man is starting to change so much each day and he is becoming more and more independent. The other day he took his first "crawl" but then he realized he was on his hands and knees and SPLAT he face plants back to the floor. Tillman has always been on the heavy side of the scale so crawling is going to take a lot of cordination for him. He is really trying but would rather stand than be on his stomach. The other day I was putting him on the couch and he didn't want to sit. He refused to bend his knees. I am so sad that he is changing so much and is really becoming a little man! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!

Hey what, I am trying to relax over here!

This is my James Dean pose!
Hey what, I am trying to relax over here!
This is my James Dean pose!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Chomp Chomp Chomp
Sunday, March 07, 2010
What has this world come to?
Ok so I just left the park with Tman and the Lovelace's. We had a great time in the sun watching all the kids play. Tman swung in his first swing which he loved. As we were leaving, now I do have to say the park was MAD CRAZY BUSY, there were hundreds of people, I was pushing the stroller up the hill. As we reached the top, I had to make a decision as to where I would push the stroller because the top of the hill where the exit was, had people standing in the way. I made the decision to go towards the right where this woman and her stroller were standing. She wasn't in the middle of the exit but she wasn't to the side either. There were people come down this hill as well so I was trying to dodge everyone. Well when I pushed through the gap I got really close to this woman who was standing to the side of her stoller doing something with her kid. Her butt was hanging out in the hole where I was going through. As I walked by, she said "Damn woman!" I politly said sorry not knowing what I had done. As I kept walking I thought, how rude. If it was the other way around I wouldn't have said anything know that this place was packed and that I was in the way! It really makes my heart hurt when I hear and see things like this because I think about the world that Tillman will grow up in. I want to shield him from all this. I want him to see the positive before the negative. I want him to give people the benfit of the doubt. I want him to have a heart that he shares with people. It makes me sad when parents at my school sometimes attack teachers. I know that most times they are trying to save face but it really breaks my heart. I hope that through my actions and through my parenting I can teach Tillman that not all people are like this.....geesh!!!
First Birthday Party
So as the time flies by I am begining to organize my thoughts for Tillmans first birthday! I am really interested in doing a party that is more for the parents than the kids but also incorperates some fun kid aspects. For example, I thought of the idea "We survived the first year!" and having a survivor theme. For the little kids they would get fun little survivor goodie bags while the adults get fun little adult drinks!! I wanted something that adults would enjoy but also a place where parents could bring their kiddies to as well. We will be having it at the house on June 19th which is the Saturday. I want family and friends to be there! Tillman won't know the different hence why I want to do a play on a kiddie theme! So if you have any ideas I would greatly appreciate them. I am really into childrens books so I was trying to think of one that could lend to a theme for both kids and adults! So please let your creative juices flow and lend me some ideas!
8 months
Well Tillman is eight months old! He is becoming such a little man! I love him more each day and it breaks my heart when I see little infants and think about how big he has gotten. Here are some stats.
He weighs 25 pounds
Wearing 12 month clothes
size 5 diapers
size 4 in baby shoes and he even needs a little bigger if he wears socks
loves to eat those puff things
says dada ALL THE TIME
Drinks out of a sippy cup
loves all veggies and tons of fruit
wants to crawl but is content on sitting instead of being on his tummy
sleeps through the night
will wake up in the morning and talk to himself for thirty minutes
is starting to let people hold him
loves to do new things and gets bored easily
has four teeth
That is all I can think about right now. I am starting to think about his first year birthday party. New post ahead!! Enjoy the picture!
He weighs 25 pounds
Wearing 12 month clothes
size 5 diapers
size 4 in baby shoes and he even needs a little bigger if he wears socks
loves to eat those puff things
says dada ALL THE TIME
Drinks out of a sippy cup
loves all veggies and tons of fruit
wants to crawl but is content on sitting instead of being on his tummy
sleeps through the night
will wake up in the morning and talk to himself for thirty minutes
is starting to let people hold him
loves to do new things and gets bored easily
has four teeth
That is all I can think about right now. I am starting to think about his first year birthday party. New post ahead!! Enjoy the picture!
What really matters...
Now that Tillman is here and I have had eight amazing months with him, I really started to think about what really matters. We went to Charlotte a few weeks ago and it wasn't the best trip ever. Now that we are parents and have very busy lives, leaving the comfort of our home is hard. It is even harder with a baby because you have to pack everything up. We went home and when we got back to Raleigh we were exhausted! When we go down there we feel we have to meet with everyone and hang out equally because we don't get to see everyone often. After this trip Matt and I really talked a lot about trips now and how our lives have changed. We can't go down as often as we would like. Then I called my mo and she gave me some insight as a grandma. She said that there is not feeling like it. It made me think about the inconveince going to Charlotte puts on us and how important Tillman is to our family. It made me think that if any part of our family were change in any way, I would regret not getting out of my comfort zone to see them. Being a parent changes everything because you no longer have an equation of two. The third part of the equation matters the most! Once my boards are done and life is less crazy I think going to Charlotte will be a lot easier.
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