Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tillman "Tilly" Riddle

What an amazing day!!

Well it is Saturday morning and I am on cloud nine. Life is amazing! Yesterday was the day we found out who this little bean is inside me. We woke up early and our appointment was at 8:00am which made it easier since I wouldn't have to wait all day. Well As we were laying in bed at 5:00 talking, bean started to move around alot. Kicking and bouncing around, I told Matt to put his hand on my belly and within moments he felt bean kick. It was amazing!! I was so excited for him to finally be able to feel what I have been feeling. Then he felt it again! It was so cool for him to feel bean kick! That was the start of an amazing day!

We left and made it to our appointment early. Katie called and said she had a dream it was a boy. Matt was as giddy as I was. We couldn't belive today was the day! We went in and signed it. They called our name and took us back. I laid down and the lady put all the goo on my belly and began the ultrasound.

She measured the heart, head, spine, arm bones, and the femur. When she went the the femur bean looked like they were sitting on the camera so we saw it. I knew at that moment what it was. I looked at Matt and smiled. She continue to roll around and look at the bladder and kidneys. Finally said do you want to know! We said YES!! So she went back to that spot where bean was sitting and said it's a


Matt was so excited!! He couldn't stand it. He really really wanted a boy! I did to, but for Matt this is the dream! He was so excited! She tried to take some pictures of his arms and legs but he kept rolling around and she couldn't get one that wasn't blurry. After the ultrasound we met with the doctor and everything looked great. I have only gained 2 pounds which was good. I asked him if I was starving our little boy and he said no. That made me feel good!!

When we left the appointment we sat in the car and called everyone! It was so exciting!! Everyone was so happy and some even cried! It was the best day ever!! I went back to school and told my children and they were so excited and as was everyone else. I think I was supposed to be a mom to a little boy first! This was his plan for us all along!! I can't wait to meet this little boy in June!!

What a great day!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Countdown begins!

Well today is Sunday. I am up early watching TV and petting the dog. Today marks day one of the countdown. On Friday at 8:00 a.m. We will go to our doctors appointment in which we will find out what baby bean is!! Thursday night I had a pregnancy meltdown. The third of many. I couldn't stop crying all night. Everything made me cry, but I had this feeling of sadness that wouldn't go away. I just couldn't stop crying, it was so odd. Well today I am having a happy day. This week will go by slowly I know, but Friday is going to be the best day ever. I am worried though that baby bean wont want to show us who he or she is. I will be devastated because of insurance you don't get another ultrasound till the very end. A friend from work found out she was having a girl on Thursday which was really exciting. Even though I have felt that this baby was a girl, I feel more strongly that we are having opposites because of how we look. Matt and I can't wait to meet this little person inside me.

The last few days this bean has become a jumping bean. It has moved around so much it makes me laugh out loud sometimes. At night I will lay on my back and you can feel it from the outside if it is hard enough. Matt is always asleep when I feel it so he hasn't felt it yea but it shouldn't be far off.I am def. getting bigger as time goes on. I haven't really gained any weight which is such an odd thing. My clothes don't fit but I haven't gained weight.

Well since the nursery has been put up we have let Stella in the room so she can get used to all the smells and things. Well it has been driving her crazy seeing all the stuffed animals everywhere. She has sat on the floor and whined because she wants to chew them so badly. Well the ones in the crib she knows she can't get to but the ones on top of the changing table she has tried many times. Well Friday night I heard a loud crash and bang and then Stella was running out of the room. When I went in, the clock, two books, picture frame were on the floor. Not sure how that happened but the worst part of all was the SCRATCH marks she left behind. I was so mad. I couldn't even talk I was so upset. Matt was running up the stairs as I was discovering the marks. I went back into our room and slammed the door...I needed a moment. Well the sweet sweet husband that he is, found every dark wood cover stuff we had it the house. For the next twenty minutes he doctored the top of the changing table up so you couldn't tell there were scratches unless you were up close. The next morning I went in and unless you are really up close you can't tell. He is the best!! Needless to say all the animals are in the closet and the door is closed to the room. We are looking at different gates to put up because we know there will be toys everywhere and we know she will want them. Joys of having a puppy dog! :)

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Resolutions Stink!!

So I think from my title that resolutions stink!! I really don't see the point in them. In my 24 years of life I have never kept one stinkin one!! I know that it is all because of me....but they just don't seem to make sense to me. I always feel bad when I don't keep one or I let one fizzle out.

Well this year I am not making a resolution. I am making a "What can I do for Elizabeth?" list. I know that sounds a little selfish...but here is why I want a list like this. I want to list all the things that I feel I have let slip and things I have always wanted to do for myself and write them down. This list I see in my head all the time but never really execute. I want to do things this year that help me. Make me a better wife, (mother in June), Christian, friend, teacher, daughter, sister, steward of our money, and anything else that might roll along. This is a huge task since all those except the mother one cause I haven't gotten there yet I am really slacking it. I think I do all those half way. I want to find one or two things and really work on them. I don't just want this for me I want this for our baby. The hard part for me...if you know me you will nod your head....I do way to much...I spread myself to thin. This year my hope is that I will work on one or two things.

What I want to work on this year is becoming a better Christian. Now if you look back this is an ongoing battle. With the uprooting that was going to happen last year we let things fizzle out. This year I have a reason to get my butt into gear. I want our son or daughter to grow up in a church surrounded by people that can lead him or her through a life of Christianity. Raleigh I feel is a hard place to find a church because there are so many...and you can really only get a feel of a church on Sundays. I am going to make the effort this year, and my hope is that by the time this little one is born, we will have declared ourselves a member of a church. That isn't a lot of time but even if I am working towards that membership I will have felt successful! This also includes my relationship with God. This is a personal one that I struggle with all the time. My hope is as we grow in a church family, my relationship will grow stronger.

The second thing I want to work on this year is becoming a better wife to my husband. Now this one also includes becoming a better steward of our money. My husband writes the checks for the bills but we talk alot about our money. I want to help in the effort to save and be frugal with our money. From what I hear, little ones cost a alot :)! I want us to feel the normal stress of money not overly stressed because I spend way to much. I have come to terms with me not staying home with bean, but that means we will spend daycare money. I want to help Matt in saving and I want us to feel that we are making a difference with our money. In our history Matt and I have lived pretty comfortably. We def. enjoy being able to go out and have those luxuries in life. I know when the baby comes some of that will cut down but by me working, we still have a little rainy day fund. As far as being a better wife, I know comes from the previous paragraph. My relationship with God needs to be stronger so my relationship with Matt is stronger. There are a lot of things I need to work on with us. He is selfless...I am not....he is caring...I can be mean....he is loving....I forget his love language...he takes care of me...I take his care with no return. This could go on but as you can see I have a lot to work on.

The third thing I want to work on is becoming a better friend. I feel that in this areas I am ok. I could do better which is my hope. I have a friend who I think is the friend of all friends. She is my role model. She does things not because of what others think of her but because she genuinely enjoys doing those things for others. I need to work on that. I need to keep in touch with people, I need to call them and let them know I am thinking about them. I need to show my friendship more to people. We get so busy and that is what I blame it on but she does it.

These are my three self helps this year. I may add to this list if I start to do well with some of these, and I may work on some of these in 2010. I really hope in my heart that I can work on these. This is for nobody else but me. This is for my well being nobody elses. I want to help myself so I can be more confident in my daily life. If I fail, I am human but hope that this will continue on till I become successful!