Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Doctors Appt. and morning sickness

Well Friday we went to our first appointment! It was exciting. We talked with a cordinator that talked about all the appointments to come and all the great things to look forward to. We were able to ask questions and then they took lots of blood. It was so exciting and real at the same time. Matt was so sweet at the appointment. He is going to be the best dad ever! The best part of the visit was we made our first ultrasound appointment for the 7th of November!!

Well this week marks the end of my 6th week and begining of the 7th which brought on some sickness. I shouldn't say it was morning sickness because I felt like crap all day. I didn't want to eat anything but I was starving. I really wanted all the things that smelled good and then the moment it hit my mouth I was so sick!! I hated that. Last night I was able to eat a little which was nice but today (sunday) I really haven't wanted anything but I know I needed to eat. This stinks because I have to go to work tomorrow and I am such a baby when it comes to being sick. I hate this being sick part, but I am not complaining because it lets me know everything is going on track like it should. I just hope I fell well enough this week to teach. I feel bad for my team because I know I am not being the happy go luck gal that I am. I know that they would prefer me to not be sick!! We shall see!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

6 Weeks

Well this week is my 6th and I feel great. I have had a few days where this pregnancy has kicked my butt but other then that I feel great!!The symptoms are still the same which I am glad about because I want to still feel pregnant but Monday I didn't feel anything and I was worried all day!! We go to the doctor in two days and I am so excited!! I can't wait to hear what they have to say. This visit will def. make it seem more real. Well today we also got wonderful news!! A team member just told us she is pregnant and she is due two days after me!! We are so excited!! I do have a morbib thought though...if something were to happen with baby whisenant...I think it will be REALLY hard to watch her be pregnant while I am not. Since this wasn't planned I don't know if we would want to try again. I just pray things are ticking away inside and the little bug is growing. It is so hard to not know.

Well I joined this website and I am addicted. I have been on that thing for hours. I love hearing other ladies talk about their pregnancies. It is sad though because some woman have lost their babies and I just hope things are going ok inside my little oven. I know there isn't anything I can do to know but I just pray that things are going ok!! I have had no spotting like some women and as the weeks tick away the odds go down!! I can't wait to hit 12 weeks!!

Well this weekend we are going to a party and working the polls. I can't wait for this election is over because I want to know who wins!! Matt and I are trying to get Barack, Bev, Kay all voted so my job is stable and moving forward!! Today I had to work the phone bank and I felt like I was going to vomit. I hate hate hate calling people and this was horrible. I was blessed though because I spoke to only one person and she was really really nice!! I can't wait to see what happens on the fourth!!! PLEASE GO VOTE!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Feeling pretty good...

So this week ends my fifth week. So far I am feeling pretty good. Really really tired and my boobs still hurt but other then that I feel ok. Friday was long and I really wanted to go home and sleep. I left school early and came home and went to bed. Matt came home around nine and brought me KFC!! It hit the spot!! I was so excited!!

So far I think we are stil in shock. We go to the doctor Friday and I can't be more excited. I was upset because this visit isn't with a doctor. It is with a consultant and we wont have an ultra sound. I really wanted to hear the heartbeat so I know things are going ok. At this visit they will do blood work which will ease my mind a little I think. I can't wait for the day we hear the heart beat. They say we will have to wait for ten to twelve weeks before we can go again. I know that time will go by slowly. Please pray that everything is ok.

Well school is going well. I am really tired but it is going well.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 Weeks

So this week is my fifth. To many this seems really early to be shareing, but for the people that know me couldn't be any other way. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I can't hide anything. This is the happiest thing that has ever happened to me there is no way I could keep it in. Matt and I are so excited and can't belive that it happend! We are still stunned and can't belive how much we love this little peanut inside me.

I am very anxiouse though. I can not hide that either. This feeling of not know what is happening inside me scares me. I go to the doctor on the 24th and it isn't with a doctor but a cordinator. They will tell me all the things I can and can't do. ( I have read all that I can). I wanted them to do an ultra sound so I can stop worring but they wont. I have to wait another three to five weeks before they do one. I think that is CRAZY they wait so long.

Everyone says that there isn't I can do so I should stop worring but how do you do that. I can't....I want to know everything so I can get my mindset right.

Please pray for us and for this baby. I know there is a plan for this child already but I want my anxiouse mind to be put at ease.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Two Days Off....sort of

Well today and tomorrow I am at a workshop which means I am not at school. I am excited because this workshop is great but I am scared because I hate having to be out of school. The sub is ok and I hope my kids are to!!

I am so hungry....I have been all day!!! I can't stop stuffing my face!! Please make it stop.....