Thursday, November 16, 2006

Well is has been about two months since I updated. I kept trying to add pictures but it wouldn't let me so I would get mad and not write anything. I just gave up and decided that I should write even without the pictures.
Well we moved into the house on the 28th of September. It has been amazing!! Having a house is what we needed. That small appartment was killing me because I felt cramped and I needed space for my things and not just his or ours. They still haven't built the darn deck but its cold so its not a huge deal.
Well we got our first baby!! HEHE I mean our first puppy!! She is the cutest thing ever. Her name is Stella and she is a boxer rottie mix. She has the sweetest personality. Her ears are funny looking so when she props them up. I love her so much!!! Matt and I just laugh every day because of her. She brings so many smiles to us and makes each day more fun.
Well school is GREAT!! I am really suprised how not stressed I am. I wake up each day wanting to be at school and my class is amazing. I have great kids and I really love teaching them. They truely make each day the best it could be. Teaching is one of things that I have so much passion for I wake up each day to make the day before better. I do put alot of pressure on myself and there are days I don't do my best but I try really hard.
Well Matt and I are doing great. It has been a year and six months. Its hard to belive that we have been married that long. We have grown so much together. We are closer now then we have ever been.
Well in April I am so excited because I get to go to Guatemala!! Our school is providing a service trip that you can go on. You have to pay but not near as much as it would be if you were going on your own. I am really excited because you spend half your day learning spanish and the other half in an orphanage helping children. I am so excited!!
Well the family is going great. Mom got married to her ten year boyfriend. FINALLY!! I mean it was about time. They needed to since they have been together so long. I am glad they got married just hope it lasts.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
SEVEN DAYS!!!!!!!!

Well we have hit the count down. Today is the seven day mark till we are homeowners. I am so filled with so many emotions. I am ready but scared. Here are some of the recent picks we took. Doesnt look this way anymore because they cleaned up and are ready for move in!!!
Well school is great. I have great kiddos and I love teaching. Nothing really eventful is happening. I have my fist parent teacher confrence so that will be interesting. I can't wait to have this weekend off. We are starting to pack which is so exciting but closterphobic. We have no where to put all the boxes. With the new bed and the old one taken down we have no kitchen and the family room is full.
Well next weekend we will hopefully have all our family up to move!! That is the best part about it all!! We bought all the paint and we are READY for the move!!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Labor Day...
Ok so this weekend was a three day weekend. I really was not wanting to stay at home for three days. Now that I have my own room and class to take care of, I felt like this monday was a waste. People think I am crazy, and mark my words a few months from now I probably wont feel this way about our days off. Having the house almost done we are saving saving and saving more so really all there is to do is stay at home. What fun is that? There is only so much TV a person can watch. I brought home things to do but its boring when you are at home working on stuff. When I am in my room have that vibe and more motivation to work. Ohwell, only a few more hours left.
Ok so today we did something MAtt and I thought we couldn't. We picked out paint colors. Now to a normaly person this may not seem like such a big deal but it was. IT WAS HUGE!! We have talked about colors for two years now. Before we even thought about buying a house. HE is more of a neutral guy where as I am colorful. So right there tells the story. So finally since Home Depot had a GREAT sale on paint today we bought paint. So that made it real which meant we had to pick colors. We sat down on the floor with EVERY imaginable color and picked them out. IT WAS GREAT!! The only room that we are still not sure about is the dining room. I will try to post the color.
Well we went by the house and they have the cabinets in!!!! We were shocked because that meant they had painted and everything. They are going so fast. I am not sure but they may get done earlier. I can't wait because not only are we moving in all our family is coming up and that will be the first time they are all up here together!! I think I am more excited about that.
Well the first week of school was GREAT!!! I love my class already. I am so attached to so many of those little people. I can't wait to really get to know them and figure them out. I have some where I am sort of stumped by some of their behviors but I have such an amazing team we are already working out some strategies. I can't wait to actually start teaching them the fun things. We are starting the Human Body Kit this week and that is one of my favorite things to teach. I love science in general but this kit is alot of fun to teach. I am so excited abou thtis year, but I know there will be those days where I wont come home feeling this way and I want to prepare myself for those days. I belive that if I cherish these good days and use them to help bring those bads days up I will do just fine. :)
Ok so today we did something MAtt and I thought we couldn't. We picked out paint colors. Now to a normaly person this may not seem like such a big deal but it was. IT WAS HUGE!! We have talked about colors for two years now. Before we even thought about buying a house. HE is more of a neutral guy where as I am colorful. So right there tells the story. So finally since Home Depot had a GREAT sale on paint today we bought paint. So that made it real which meant we had to pick colors. We sat down on the floor with EVERY imaginable color and picked them out. IT WAS GREAT!! The only room that we are still not sure about is the dining room. I will try to post the color.
Well we went by the house and they have the cabinets in!!!! We were shocked because that meant they had painted and everything. They are going so fast. I am not sure but they may get done earlier. I can't wait because not only are we moving in all our family is coming up and that will be the first time they are all up here together!! I think I am more excited about that.
Well the first week of school was GREAT!!! I love my class already. I am so attached to so many of those little people. I can't wait to really get to know them and figure them out. I have some where I am sort of stumped by some of their behviors but I have such an amazing team we are already working out some strategies. I can't wait to actually start teaching them the fun things. We are starting the Human Body Kit this week and that is one of my favorite things to teach. I love science in general but this kit is alot of fun to teach. I am so excited abou thtis year, but I know there will be those days where I wont come home feeling this way and I want to prepare myself for those days. I belive that if I cherish these good days and use them to help bring those bads days up I will do just fine. :)
Saturday, August 26, 2006
The first day is over!!

Next picture is of Matts office.
Third picture is take right as I walk up the stairs looking at the loft.
Fourth picture is half of our bedroom.To the right is the doorway to our closets and bathroom.
Fifth picture is of our living/fmaily room. The doorway to the left of the firplace is matts office. The hole in the wall is for the tv. I am standing in breakfast area taking the picture.
Ok so the bottom picture is of the kitchen. The half wall is the bar and the sink and stuff will be on that side. The hole is the pantry and the doorway is to the dining room.
Well yesterday was the first day of my teaching career(sort of). I was so excited when I woke up, and my stomach didn't turn till the bell rang. I wanted to make sure everything was ready and I still didn't have everything. The day went really smooth. The kiddos were great, but I sort of felt they kept thinking in their heads that they already knew all the things I was telling them so I felt self concious. They were really excited that they earned money for things. They really want to have money so they will work hard for it (I hope).
Well Matt and I went out today to buy some things for my treasure box, and that was hard. I don't know what kids like these days. I didn't want to spend alot of money but I also didn't know what to buy. I went to the dollar store and they had some things but I kept thinking that the kids wouldn't want this or that. I was thinking as we kept walking around the store that I should have them write on a peice of paper all thet hings they would like to see in the treasure box. I know they will write expensive things but some may write stickers or markers or something like that.
Well here are some pictures of the final drywall. This week they are putting up molding and then painting. I am so excited!! We are giving the appartment a 30 day notice on monday. I am so excited but scared because its finally happening.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
finished product...sort of...

Here is the way the kiddos will see my classroom!! I am not going to do anymore till they get here. I am so glad I am finished. Next week I am going to start planning and getting things together. I can't wait till they come. I got my class list today and I have 20 kiddos. That is great hope I wont get anymore. I know I will but I really like having twenty. The picture with the yellow paper behind it is for my little brother. See the monkey, he drew that in highschool and was getting rid of it and so I took it and have saved it for all this time. I wanted to get it framed but when I was getting my stuff together I found it and thought it would be such an ispiration to my kiddos. If you look hard the poster that its under is a "THINKER" chart which is a reading strategy!! I am so proud to say that James drew that and all the ladies at work were impressed. I can't wait till the kiddos see it!!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
my first classroom!!!

Ok so these are pictures of the almost done classroom. The one on the bottom is taken as you walk in the door. The other is taken behind my reading tabel. The big white board on the bootom picture will be covered as a builiten board. The wall to the right of that will also have something on it. The white board in the top picture is my dry erase so that is where I will be teaching from!! I am so excited. More pictures to come~~
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Ok so that is the date they say we will close!! I CAN"T WAIT!!! I told him I was going to call him everyday till then to make sure he is sticking to that date. I am pretty sure he will unless something drastic happens. Right now he said he needs six weeks, and so that date is six weeks and a day!! I am so excited.
Ok so walking into my classroom yesterday was horrible. I about lost it. I had no idea that it would overwhelm me that much. I really thought I could deal but I couldn't I didn't know where to start or what to do. Today was thirty million times better. I got things organized and I was getting rid of alot of things. I also put our my desks and got those into groups. I need to get things done because I want to get my bb done before parent night. In college they didn't teach you about organizing your room. I had saved so much I didn't want to get rid of things but I didn't know what I was going to do with it. I feel alot better leaving today!! I can't wait till school starts!! We found out we test the kids the first tuesday through thursday so that first real week is a waste so that is nice to know that I wont have alot of planning to do those days. It really hit me today that I am a real teacher!! It is finally here!! Pray for me because I woke up at 2am and had to get out of bed get a sheet of paper and write down all the ideas that were running through my head. It was running a million miles a min. I had all these plans on what I wanted to do and I didn't want to forget it so I repeated it in my head over and over again but then I couldn't sleep, so I had to get up. I hope this wont happen alot through the year!! Well I am off to bed so I can wake up early and get things done!! Thanks for reading!!(I will post pics of my classroom tomorrow)
Ok so walking into my classroom yesterday was horrible. I about lost it. I had no idea that it would overwhelm me that much. I really thought I could deal but I couldn't I didn't know where to start or what to do. Today was thirty million times better. I got things organized and I was getting rid of alot of things. I also put our my desks and got those into groups. I need to get things done because I want to get my bb done before parent night. In college they didn't teach you about organizing your room. I had saved so much I didn't want to get rid of things but I didn't know what I was going to do with it. I feel alot better leaving today!! I can't wait till school starts!! We found out we test the kids the first tuesday through thursday so that first real week is a waste so that is nice to know that I wont have alot of planning to do those days. It really hit me today that I am a real teacher!! It is finally here!! Pray for me because I woke up at 2am and had to get out of bed get a sheet of paper and write down all the ideas that were running through my head. It was running a million miles a min. I had all these plans on what I wanted to do and I didn't want to forget it so I repeated it in my head over and over again but then I couldn't sleep, so I had to get up. I hope this wont happen alot through the year!! Well I am off to bed so I can wake up early and get things done!! Thanks for reading!!(I will post pics of my classroom tomorrow)
Monday, August 14, 2006
12 days and counting...
So the kiddos come back in 12 days!! I am so excited!! I have waited for so long for this and its finally here. The only scary part is my room is a disaster and I need to get it all together but I only have three days!!!! So I am going to go later today and see what I can get into. The really dont want us there till the 16th but we will see. I have gotton so many new things for my room. I am so excited because I ddin't think I was going to be able to get anything. I bought fabric for big pillows yesterday. Today I am going to my dear friend Shannons to sew them.
Well we found out last week that the builder said the house wont be done till the end of sept. Which is ok I guess, but it struck a nerve when they told us and I lost it. I was so mad that day because to them we are another homeowner that wants a house. They have no reason to speed up. Ohwell....
Well my little brother came to visit with his g/f. I had such a great time!! I haven't seen him in sooo long. I tried hard to get his hair cut but he wouldn't let me. His g/f is REALLY sweet!! I really like her. She was VERY genuine and really listened when you talked. She actually held a conversation and wasn't shy. I hope they stay together. I wnat him to be happy and he deserves it with all the crap we dealt with!!!
Well we found out last week that the builder said the house wont be done till the end of sept. Which is ok I guess, but it struck a nerve when they told us and I lost it. I was so mad that day because to them we are another homeowner that wants a house. They have no reason to speed up. Ohwell....
Well my little brother came to visit with his g/f. I had such a great time!! I haven't seen him in sooo long. I tried hard to get his hair cut but he wouldn't let me. His g/f is REALLY sweet!! I really like her. She was VERY genuine and really listened when you talked. She actually held a conversation and wasn't shy. I hope they stay together. I wnat him to be happy and he deserves it with all the crap we dealt with!!!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Only a few days left!!!

Well in about a week and a half I will start my first year of teaching!! I can't wait!! I found out today that as a first year I get 300$ for my classroom!!!! That is God working his magic. Matt kept saying with this house we were going to have to save and I was going to have to wait, and look we were taken care of!! I am so excited!!
Well this picture is of the house before they work on the drywall!! It actually looks like a house and there isn't a huge pile of dirt out front!! Its only a month before we move in. We have already picked paint colors and know what rooms are what color. The living room is going ot be hard because he was a brown color I guess I can handle that. Our bathroom is going to be a blue color!! Our loft is going to be a green, my office I am still not sure yet. Our bedroom is another room we are unsure about. Th spare bathroom will be a gold color, our dining room will be white and red. His office will be the same color as the family room. The kitchen I don't think will have a color because I want to do a tile backsplash and then there wont be a wall.
Well I think my father is going through a midlife crisis. We went to Charlotte for Matts bday and we ate with my dad and he stunned us all with two new tattoos. He got one on each arm. On is a sword with a skull on top and it says fear no evil. The other is a skull with a hat that has four bullet wounds and its the ace of spades supposed mean something with luck.It was so funny because my dad isn't like that. Hes a police officer so I thought he was crazy.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
sore loser
ok so its so funny how as an adult I am still a sore loser. We played our last softball game yesterday and I wanted to win so bad. I woke up nervous because I wanted to win so bad. The team we were playing has won the last few years and we have never made it this far. We were down the whole game and then we scored like four homeruns. IT WAS GREAT!!! We were tied top of the seventh ten-ten. They scored for runs that inning. It was our turn up to bat and we could only pull one run and then it was over. I wanted it to bad. I do have to say though I actually hit the ball everytime I got up, and they went farthe then ever before. I was so excited. Next year though I am so excited I can't wait for it to start.
Well I have four days left of summer school and then a week off and then I start school!! I am so excited. It;s real. I mean it is the moment I have been waiting for, forever!!! I have doing alot of planning and geting things ready to laminate and stuff. I just went online and requested alot of first day books to read so the children aren't so nervous. I can't wait to start!!! I am so excited now!!
Well we went to the house and they have the siding all on and then we walk through and then amonth it will be done. I can't wait!! Last night we picked our paint colors so that we are ready for the first day!!! Keep the calender open mid september we will need as many painters as we can get!!!
Well I have four days left of summer school and then a week off and then I start school!! I am so excited. It;s real. I mean it is the moment I have been waiting for, forever!!! I have doing alot of planning and geting things ready to laminate and stuff. I just went online and requested alot of first day books to read so the children aren't so nervous. I can't wait to start!!! I am so excited now!!
Well we went to the house and they have the siding all on and then we walk through and then amonth it will be done. I can't wait!! Last night we picked our paint colors so that we are ready for the first day!!! Keep the calender open mid september we will need as many painters as we can get!!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
when it rains it pours
Ok so Matt didn't know what he wanted for his birthday but now he does: a new tooth for me and a new alternator for his car. What a lousy birthday and I feel horrible, but I need a tooth and he needs a car. I feel horrible as a wife that I can't provide a good birthday for him. I really wanted to do something special but I can't. I know that its not about the money so maybe I can make somthing good for him to eat and have a nice evening. It just sucks. I hate the fact that we have to take this stupid money and put it towards a car and a tooth. As my mother always says "thats life.." I think that is her motto.
Well on a lighter note, Jodi bought her weding dress. That means its real!! WE have a wedding to go to in July!! I am so excited for her!!
Well I am starting to feel better about school. I have taken some of the pressure off my shoulders and I know that I am not expected to be perfect. I am not expected to teach everything there is and do it perfect. I need to know that I am a good teacher though and that is all I hope for.
Well on a lighter note, Jodi bought her weding dress. That means its real!! WE have a wedding to go to in July!! I am so excited for her!!
Well I am starting to feel better about school. I have taken some of the pressure off my shoulders and I know that I am not expected to be perfect. I am not expected to teach everything there is and do it perfect. I need to know that I am a good teacher though and that is all I hope for.
Friday, July 21, 2006
look what they did!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Met our new neighbor!!
Well we went by the house yesterday and we met our new neighbor!! It was really great because he was this sweet old man. He just welcomed us in and was so sweet. He gave us a tour of his house and found out we were Christian and that got him excited. He said we need to evangilize this neighborhood, and if Matt and I were starting a bible study to give him and his wife a call!! It was really sweet. I can tell this is going to be the neighbor you can rely on and if you need anything they will be there. I can see him keep a watch out for our house and make sure no one is doing anything wrong. I am really excited because it makes me feel good that a neighbor is nice.
Well I feel alot better about next year. I have started making my math centers so I wont have to spend so much time the beg of August. I went today and rearranged my room so that I got the big stuff moved now comes the desks. I really want to be able to move them around and make sure they are in the best spot.
Well we are experiencing our first friend loss. Emily and Joel are two people that took Matt and I under their wing and introduced us to the church we attend. They took us to Sunday school and and to all the functions. We will miss them alot! The fun part though is they are moving to Charleston so we are going to go and visit them which is going to be GREAT!!!
Well I feel alot better about next year. I have started making my math centers so I wont have to spend so much time the beg of August. I went today and rearranged my room so that I got the big stuff moved now comes the desks. I really want to be able to move them around and make sure they are in the best spot.
Well we are experiencing our first friend loss. Emily and Joel are two people that took Matt and I under their wing and introduced us to the church we attend. They took us to Sunday school and and to all the functions. We will miss them alot! The fun part though is they are moving to Charleston so we are going to go and visit them which is going to be GREAT!!!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
stressed out...
Ok so last night was my first break down about teaching. I am so confident about teaching but yet I am so scared. I am so scared I am going to screw up. I honestly don't know what I am doing. I feel like I am just a darn good actress. I put on a good show, like I know what I am doing. It is really something I am so scared about. I feel like under all this show I have no idea what I am doing and I keep telling myself I will try it again and then screw up again. To some people this wont make sense, and honestly it makes no sense to me, but I just keep thinking that I am so darn scared about the first month of school. I think I wont feel ok till January because that is when I started and I have a good feeling about those months. I keep telling myself that this is the way that I felt the first day of my floating position. Ok so this post really has no meaning but I needed to write it to get my mind off of it. I was up all night stewing about this stupid feeling but now I am getting better. THANKS!! :)
Saturday, July 15, 2006
2nd Annual Mens Cake Bake Off

Ok so at our church we have a social each month. Then month is the second annual mens cake bake off. That means that us wives can't help in any way shape or form. This is really hard for me because I always want to help him when he is in the kitchen. So I had to leave. I went to the pool while he attempted to bake a cake. Now you are being judged on appearance and taste. You could use a box cake if you want but you have to make a cake. This is what came out.
Didn't he do a good job!! He thought of the idea all by himself, and even added the oreos on the platter!!****Update...Well he got second place for taste. The cake was actually really good tasting. It was really moist and choclaty. The winner of looks was a cake that was in the shape of a start and had strawberries and blueberries. The other cakses were a toilette, packman, another Oreo, and a carrot. They all really tasted well. It was alot of fun!!!
Friday, July 14, 2006
second floor

Saturday, July 08, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Ok so here is an update on the house. The first floor is built. The second one is in the front yard waiting to be put up. Hopefully by friday the roof will be on!!
This one on the top left is the dining room. The one on the top right is the kitchen. THe one on the bottom left is the family room. The one on the right is the front of the house.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Happy weekend!!
Ok so my inlaws just left and I have to say that I really enjoyed having them there. I loved having them up here. For once I really felt like this was the place we were meant to be. They came up just for the day to go to church and see the house. I couldn't believe they would do this, you ask why. Well my mother on the other hand comes to Raleigh every weekend almost, and it took her a five months to actually come over to see the house. Our two families are so different. His parents are so loving and caring, not that mine isn't, but mine shows their love in such different ways.
We also ordered wedding pictures today!!!!! A year and almost two months we finally ordered some bigger ones then 4x6's. I am so excited because I can vision them in our house. It is weird how such simple things make me smile. I can't wait to frame them and have them on the walls. We got an 11x14 of us in front of the church. That one will probably go in the bedroom.
Well I have a week left of endless pool time. I am excited but I am glad that after that week I will have something to do. Since there aren't that many people that can come over I have no one to hang out with, and I have no money so that leaves the pool. I do have a tan though, so that is exciting.
Ok so as a teacher you know I am broke. Well yesterday I went on Amazon.com and found thirty books for my science units that I need. I went to that conference last week and they gave us great ideas to supplement. Well the total cost which I think is great is 93.00. Well to us that is alot of money, so my plan was to send out a letter to my family to ask for donations to the Whisenant first year book fund. OK so that sounds really tacky but don't think for a moment that it didn't cross my mind. I really need these books and yes the library has them but it is such a hassle to check them out. I really just want to organize them so when I am ready to teach the kit I can pull out all the things that go along with it. So just know that even though teachers have summers off, we are BROKE and need supplies. :)
Ok so on a sadder note, I was watching TV last night and it was very thought provoking for me as a teacher. The short short version is that there was a man that had a son who would bring friends over to his house to play and go to the pool. Then one day the police showed up at his door and arrested him for child molested. Now from that moment the man said he was innocent. Well then two days later the police arrested another man and his gf for the same charges, but the two children this time were her children. Then a day later another man was arrested for molesting his daughter. Now there were four people in jail for molested charges. Their were four children that stated they had been molested. The four adults went to jail. They spent eight years before the lawyers found mis-evidence in the woman and her bf case, so they were let free. The other man who was accused of molesting his daughter was also set free for not sharing of evidence. That left the first man still in jail. Now he has always said from the beginning that he never did these things. Twelve years later, those four children came out and said that these people NEVER did anything to them. They said that the police told them to say these things because they knew it happened and that if they did then the would get to go home. Now the children at age five and six would say those things so it would all end and go home. Anyway as you see the first man then goes back to court to be told that he is set free for the fact that these people said he never did it. After twenty years in prison hes set free. Three years after he is free he goes back to court to be paid 100 dollars for every day he spent in prison since he was wrongfully accused.
Now the reason I wrote all that is because in this day and age it is scary for a teacher. I am the type of teacher that doesn't worry about these things but its hard after watching this. IF you ever had a parent that hated you and had their children convince that you did something you didn't. It worries me because I want my children to know I love them but I don't want to get to close you know. Anyway it made my mind race last night as I watched it. I know that there was a conspiracy with this case but still you know how children can be. Ohwell that was alot for a little, but that was what was running through my mind. Sorry if it was confusing, I get on these subjects and I can't stop.
We also ordered wedding pictures today!!!!! A year and almost two months we finally ordered some bigger ones then 4x6's. I am so excited because I can vision them in our house. It is weird how such simple things make me smile. I can't wait to frame them and have them on the walls. We got an 11x14 of us in front of the church. That one will probably go in the bedroom.
Well I have a week left of endless pool time. I am excited but I am glad that after that week I will have something to do. Since there aren't that many people that can come over I have no one to hang out with, and I have no money so that leaves the pool. I do have a tan though, so that is exciting.
Ok so as a teacher you know I am broke. Well yesterday I went on Amazon.com and found thirty books for my science units that I need. I went to that conference last week and they gave us great ideas to supplement. Well the total cost which I think is great is 93.00. Well to us that is alot of money, so my plan was to send out a letter to my family to ask for donations to the Whisenant first year book fund. OK so that sounds really tacky but don't think for a moment that it didn't cross my mind. I really need these books and yes the library has them but it is such a hassle to check them out. I really just want to organize them so when I am ready to teach the kit I can pull out all the things that go along with it. So just know that even though teachers have summers off, we are BROKE and need supplies. :)
Ok so on a sadder note, I was watching TV last night and it was very thought provoking for me as a teacher. The short short version is that there was a man that had a son who would bring friends over to his house to play and go to the pool. Then one day the police showed up at his door and arrested him for child molested. Now from that moment the man said he was innocent. Well then two days later the police arrested another man and his gf for the same charges, but the two children this time were her children. Then a day later another man was arrested for molesting his daughter. Now there were four people in jail for molested charges. Their were four children that stated they had been molested. The four adults went to jail. They spent eight years before the lawyers found mis-evidence in the woman and her bf case, so they were let free. The other man who was accused of molesting his daughter was also set free for not sharing of evidence. That left the first man still in jail. Now he has always said from the beginning that he never did these things. Twelve years later, those four children came out and said that these people NEVER did anything to them. They said that the police told them to say these things because they knew it happened and that if they did then the would get to go home. Now the children at age five and six would say those things so it would all end and go home. Anyway as you see the first man then goes back to court to be told that he is set free for the fact that these people said he never did it. After twenty years in prison hes set free. Three years after he is free he goes back to court to be paid 100 dollars for every day he spent in prison since he was wrongfully accused.
Now the reason I wrote all that is because in this day and age it is scary for a teacher. I am the type of teacher that doesn't worry about these things but its hard after watching this. IF you ever had a parent that hated you and had their children convince that you did something you didn't. It worries me because I want my children to know I love them but I don't want to get to close you know. Anyway it made my mind race last night as I watched it. I know that there was a conspiracy with this case but still you know how children can be. Ohwell that was alot for a little, but that was what was running through my mind. Sorry if it was confusing, I get on these subjects and I can't stop.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Ok so this past week I have been at a science confrence. I was so excited to go but I didn't know what to expect. IT was great!!! I was able to learn so much this week I feel great about teacing science. Ok so science teaching has changed since we all went to school. WE don't teach out of books anymore, we use Kits. They are boxes full of supplies. ALong with the box is a book of lesson plans and how to use all the supplies. Now to someone who isn't a teacher may think that we are cheating when we use the kits because the have the plans all laid out. NOT TRUE!! YEs the kits help keep the supplies in order and it provides supplies that other wise you wouldn't have access to, but this week just proves that these kits are alot harder then you think. For example, the human body kit the children have to use sticks, rubber band, paperclips, and these rubber things to creating a working model of the leg. Now that is one assignment that the children have a hard time with. As a teacher it is sometimes a hassel to use the ktis because you have to do alot of oraganization to get things in order. Anyway not to bore you but this week was great. It opened the door to many diffrent teaching oppurtunities that I am excited to search out. This week has only made me a better teacher even though it was REALLY long.
Ok so they were supposed to frame the house this week, but of course it rained four inches or so, so we aren't sure if they have. We are going to swing by there this afternoon and see. I hope they did something. They are saying now we wont move in till September :( I am so mad, not because of the house, but because of the rent in the appartment. We have to pay a ton of money for rent these month and to add another one just cuts into the saving plan. ohwell that is life, and God wont give us to much, so I am just chugging along.
Ok I start summer school in two weeks and I am a tad scared. I am not sure yet what I am going to do, nor have a clue where to start. I go to a planning on teh 6th so I kow that will help, but you know I am getting paid for this and its hard because I want the children to get something out of it. So pray that I don't screw these kids up.
Ok so I finished another book, and it is called picture perfect. Also by Jodi Picoult. Now this book was also a good one, but the ending made me mad. I knew why she ended it that way, to make you think and imagine, but I wanted it to end the way I had imagined it would. Isn't that with every book. I love her books because they step outside of the normal reads and make you think. I am reading another one called keeping faith. Which to me is a stretch to read. It is about a family that the mom and dad are getting a divorce. The daughter takes it really hard and starts having an imaginary friend. The friend turns our to be God. Now I probably lost some of you but the story isn't all about her and her friend, I belive its going to be about building faith and knowing that God is there and real. I am not sure how it will end since I just started it but we will see. I also started to read Kite Runner, but I havne't really gotten into that one yet.
Ok so they were supposed to frame the house this week, but of course it rained four inches or so, so we aren't sure if they have. We are going to swing by there this afternoon and see. I hope they did something. They are saying now we wont move in till September :( I am so mad, not because of the house, but because of the rent in the appartment. We have to pay a ton of money for rent these month and to add another one just cuts into the saving plan. ohwell that is life, and God wont give us to much, so I am just chugging along.
Ok I start summer school in two weeks and I am a tad scared. I am not sure yet what I am going to do, nor have a clue where to start. I go to a planning on teh 6th so I kow that will help, but you know I am getting paid for this and its hard because I want the children to get something out of it. So pray that I don't screw these kids up.
Ok so I finished another book, and it is called picture perfect. Also by Jodi Picoult. Now this book was also a good one, but the ending made me mad. I knew why she ended it that way, to make you think and imagine, but I wanted it to end the way I had imagined it would. Isn't that with every book. I love her books because they step outside of the normal reads and make you think. I am reading another one called keeping faith. Which to me is a stretch to read. It is about a family that the mom and dad are getting a divorce. The daughter takes it really hard and starts having an imaginary friend. The friend turns our to be God. Now I probably lost some of you but the story isn't all about her and her friend, I belive its going to be about building faith and knowing that God is there and real. I am not sure how it will end since I just started it but we will see. I also started to read Kite Runner, but I havne't really gotten into that one yet.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
this is gonna be short, but I had to share
Ok so I just read two GREAT books!! I have read tons and tons of great books, but these two are fresh in my mind, and I am reading a third that is just as good. So I read "My Sister's Keeper" and "Vanishing Act" by Jodi Picoult!! They were both amazing. The way she writes the story makes you think you are there. I mean everything I read I feel that way but these two stuck out. Right now I am reading "Tenth Circle" aslo by Jodi!! I def. recommend going out and getting these three books. I am such a reader that reading a book makes me live another life. I am able to get into another persons like and buisness without getting in trouble. I think people who are people watchers are people that like to read. This is only based on me of course, but I couldn't imagine someone who loves to watch other stragers go through their daily lives, and not love to read. By reading you are able to get into someone else life in such depth, you almost forget you aren't really there. Like right now as I type this all I can think about is the girl in Tenth Circle and how the next few events are going to play out. I sit here and think like she is a friend or neighbor, someone I can call up and ask how they are. Its almost freaky to think about how much I get sucked into these stories. I just do. Matt doesn't understand, but then again he is SOOOO not a people watcher. He just think about life the way I do. Its hard sometimes but we balance each other out. He makes me put the book down, or makes me stop starring at the person at the table across from me. Well I said it would be short so I lied, I get carried away sometimes. DEF GO READ THESE BOOKS!!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Summer begins
Well we just got back from the beach. We went because matt had a confrence he had to attend with work and they paid for everything, so I tagged along. We had so much fun. Through the weekend I thought these four days were so much better then our honeymoon because of so many things. This confrence is geared towards family and fun. They had so many things you could do. One night they had a beach party, another night was casino night where they gave you chips and you played games and then cashed them in for tickets to put in for prizes. It was so much fun. I laid at the pool the times he worked. There were TONS of people there. The hotel we stayed at was the one he took me to on my 18th birthday. The best and worst part of the trip was this. So they had a fifty fifty raffel. You paid twenty dollars for five tickets. Fifty percent of the money goes towards PAC which is the pollitical action commitee, which basically goes to congress and the government and lobbies for insurance. They basically get face time with legislation so that they get their voice heard. The other fifty percent you won if your ticket was drawn. Ok so matt and I NEVER win anything!!!! Well that night was our lucky night. We won a thousand dollars. I thought matt was going to pee in his pants. We were SHOCKED!!! So the worst part is, that in this organization it is only the right thing to do, to donate your winnings to PAC! So matt went up there took a ten out to buy a drink and told them he wanted to donate the rest of the money to PAC!! They gave him a standing ovation. Now I would have to say that many people in that room wouldn't have done that, but it was the right thing to do. This confrence wasn't about his company it was about the agents that provide his company with buisness. Even though we REALLY REALLY needed that money, we both know in our heart that it was the right thing to do. His boss sure was proud of him, and there must have been ten people that said that if Tee doesn't do Matt right, they would hire him in a heartbeat. Its hard to thin about losing that money in a good way. We really would have been doing well if we had kept it, but in all honesty we would have felt horrible if we kept it. The people that bought the tickets weren't really buying them to win, they were donating that money to pac. So winning that money wasn't like a normal raffel you were winning money that people spent with the intentions of it going to PAC!! Ohwell, in ten years that thousand dollars will have helped us earn ten times more hopefully!!
Well on the house note, we went by there yesterday and they have set the land aroundt he basement so that looks good. Next tuesday is our pre drywall date. I doubt we will walk through then, but we will see. Hopefully they will start framing the end of this week. I can't wait for it to be done.
Yesterday was te first day in a long time that made me sad I was in Raleigh. I asked matt if he had called his dad since it was father's day and he said yes, and that he was going to hang out with Katie and Chris. All of a sudden I got that sad feeling, because we wont have that ever if we live up here. I am so happy that Chris and Katie are there, because his parents love their childrne and LOVE LOVE having them around, but I am sad because we wont be there ever to just hang out unless we make a trip to Charlotte. I know it was a choice we made which I LOVE it here, and I love our house and the community, but its hard because I love my family more!! I want them around, and they aren't. I called my dad a million times yesterday and no answer. I was sad because if I lived in Charlotte we would have made a trip there. I think right now it isn't near as bad as it will be when we have children. I will want them to be around family and it is hard. I have been thinking about this alot, not just yesterday. I have really thought about five years from now what will things look like. I am not a planner, but I like to know what is going on and I knwo I can't know everything.
Well summer is looking good. I have started planning for my summer school and started getting ideas for next year. It is so funny how my brain works. I can't get it to stop, sometimes I just have to sit with a note pad so I can get all the ideas down. I can't wait till we actually have money so I can buys some supplies. My room is coming together. I got TONS of books from three teachers. I actually have a library!! I can't wait to set it all up and organize it. If anyone wants to come help feel free to come this way!! I am so excited because this is my first year!! I want to make things happen and I want my children to learn. Of course that is every teachers goal!! I can't wait for school to start back and for the childrne to come!!!
Well I am off to a class to learn how to teach writing.
Well on the house note, we went by there yesterday and they have set the land aroundt he basement so that looks good. Next tuesday is our pre drywall date. I doubt we will walk through then, but we will see. Hopefully they will start framing the end of this week. I can't wait for it to be done.
Yesterday was te first day in a long time that made me sad I was in Raleigh. I asked matt if he had called his dad since it was father's day and he said yes, and that he was going to hang out with Katie and Chris. All of a sudden I got that sad feeling, because we wont have that ever if we live up here. I am so happy that Chris and Katie are there, because his parents love their childrne and LOVE LOVE having them around, but I am sad because we wont be there ever to just hang out unless we make a trip to Charlotte. I know it was a choice we made which I LOVE it here, and I love our house and the community, but its hard because I love my family more!! I want them around, and they aren't. I called my dad a million times yesterday and no answer. I was sad because if I lived in Charlotte we would have made a trip there. I think right now it isn't near as bad as it will be when we have children. I will want them to be around family and it is hard. I have been thinking about this alot, not just yesterday. I have really thought about five years from now what will things look like. I am not a planner, but I like to know what is going on and I knwo I can't know everything.
Well summer is looking good. I have started planning for my summer school and started getting ideas for next year. It is so funny how my brain works. I can't get it to stop, sometimes I just have to sit with a note pad so I can get all the ideas down. I can't wait till we actually have money so I can buys some supplies. My room is coming together. I got TONS of books from three teachers. I actually have a library!! I can't wait to set it all up and organize it. If anyone wants to come help feel free to come this way!! I am so excited because this is my first year!! I want to make things happen and I want my children to learn. Of course that is every teachers goal!! I can't wait for school to start back and for the childrne to come!!!
Well I am off to a class to learn how to teach writing.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
We are DONE!

Well life right now is bitter sweet. My fifth graders are on their way to sixth grade. I am sad they are gone cause that means we are done, but very happy they are gone cause they were stressful!!! I am so ready for the few days I have off but I am so excited about summer school. I really wanted this job. I am teaching third grade so that will be nice.
Well the house basement is on the way. The pictures show that they are working, but they are working really really slow. I mean we took those pics two weeks ago and we went yesterday and still the same. I wish I knew what they were doing.
Well life is going well. Money is tight but that is life. We are working hard and we are getting to that point in our life that things will be good. Our marriage is great. We are really getting a hang of each other. I mean its been the best year of our relationship.
Well our principal said he wasn't coming back next year. That is also bittersweet because you never know who you are going to get. I mean the person we get may bad, but then again that person could be great. Monday we get to sit with a person to talk about what we want. OUr vice principal would be great. So we will see!!!
Well we leave for the beach in three days. I can't wait!!! We haven't had a real vacation in so long. Matt has to work but that is ok I am going to go to the beach and to the pool. It is senior week so I might see some people I know, but I am really bummed that it is going to suck if all those people are there. I didn't go my senior week because I am not part of that crowd. So we will see.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Ok so today I found out that I am going to be teaching this summer!! That is GREAT news because that means I will make money and still have time off. I really needed this job because I didn't want to get some small job because I would have to work alot more. I was worried though because I didn't want to get upset if I didn't get a job because I know in Gods plan he knew how he was going to take care of us. For once in my life I thought about him and not me. I really thought that if he wanted me to teach then he will make it so.
Well the other great part is that I think I might teach the upcoming third graders I think. He said something about third graders but I don't know if he meant the upcoming third graders or the rising third graders going to fourth. I am so not sure. I REALLY want the upcoming third graders because that would sort of maybe mean that he wants me in third grade. I don't know. The person though in charge of the numbers said there wont be enough so maybe he meant the rising fourth graders. I don;t know. I really want to teach third grade next year and if I am teaching summer school for the rising third graders then maybe he would keep me there.
This is the hard part about teaching. I don't want him to think I am being stingy but I really want to teach third. being in fifht has shown me that it would be alot of fun but right now in my life I need to learn the ropes a little more and with the kids now at our school its hard. I really think it would be better next year so that is good, but I don't know. I hope he really thinks about what I wants and that I would fit there.
Well today they said our house will be done the end of august which is what I thought, but it makes me mad because I want the darn thing done. Means more money for us because that gives us a complete month of mroe money, and our first mortgage payment wont be due till september which is great. I just want out of the stupid small apartment. Its so cramped. They are also taking alot of money for us to live here those extra months. They ask for two hundred dollars more each month if you stay month to month. Ohwell. that is life I guess.
We are going to the beach in a few weeks which is GREAT!!! I can't wait!! I want to get out of RALEIGH SO BAD!!!!
Well the other great part is that I think I might teach the upcoming third graders I think. He said something about third graders but I don't know if he meant the upcoming third graders or the rising third graders going to fourth. I am so not sure. I REALLY want the upcoming third graders because that would sort of maybe mean that he wants me in third grade. I don't know. The person though in charge of the numbers said there wont be enough so maybe he meant the rising fourth graders. I don;t know. I really want to teach third grade next year and if I am teaching summer school for the rising third graders then maybe he would keep me there.
This is the hard part about teaching. I don't want him to think I am being stingy but I really want to teach third. being in fifht has shown me that it would be alot of fun but right now in my life I need to learn the ropes a little more and with the kids now at our school its hard. I really think it would be better next year so that is good, but I don't know. I hope he really thinks about what I wants and that I would fit there.
Well today they said our house will be done the end of august which is what I thought, but it makes me mad because I want the darn thing done. Means more money for us because that gives us a complete month of mroe money, and our first mortgage payment wont be due till september which is great. I just want out of the stupid small apartment. Its so cramped. They are also taking alot of money for us to live here those extra months. They ask for two hundred dollars more each month if you stay month to month. Ohwell. that is life I guess.
We are going to the beach in a few weeks which is GREAT!!! I can't wait!! I want to get out of RALEIGH SO BAD!!!!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Fifth grade..
Well I started my first fifth grade teaching assignment. So I knew it was going to be hard. There was NO doubt in my mind that I was going to be stressed out and worry about how well I was doing my job. The hardest part is one student. Which you may sit here and think only one. Yes, only one. I am a teacher and there is one student who rules this school, and he is in my class.
So I knew taking on this class he was in there. I was worried about how he would treat me, im not worried anymore. Him and I are buds. He treats me fine. Now with the other kids his horried. I mean down right MEAN. I think he is the biggest bully I know. I have never seen a child get so angry so quickly in my life.
So as a teacher my job is to teach and protect ALL my students. I am not able to fullfill that because of him. He just flies off the handle and I can't stop him. Hes like a tornado. He goes strong, dies down a little, then gets bigger. I mean I just have no control over him. The other students are TERRIFIED!!! They all put their heads down and walk on the other side of the hall because of him and HE KNOWS IT!!
So fridy was an amazing day, because he spent the day in the office, and then at the end of the day he was working with the janitor and got into a fight. I hope that he wont be there next week, but I am not sure with our school. You never know with them. THey want to get rid of him, but they are scared of him as well. I really can't imagine another kid like him. The excuse though, is thats him. They can't stop him. I really love my class and I have only been in there two days. Without him we get so much done. WE played games, and we had fun without it ending in a brawl. Teaching is a hard profession. As they get older they are already set in their ways and their parents let them be that way.
The way it looks though is next year, I will be a fifth grade teacher. Hopefully I will prove myself, but you never know. I realy wanted third grade but they are losing people in fifth grade. hopefully I wont be there, but if that is Gods plan then so be it. He has me there for a reason and I have to find tha treason. II just hope I make it these last two weeks.
So I knew taking on this class he was in there. I was worried about how he would treat me, im not worried anymore. Him and I are buds. He treats me fine. Now with the other kids his horried. I mean down right MEAN. I think he is the biggest bully I know. I have never seen a child get so angry so quickly in my life.
So as a teacher my job is to teach and protect ALL my students. I am not able to fullfill that because of him. He just flies off the handle and I can't stop him. Hes like a tornado. He goes strong, dies down a little, then gets bigger. I mean I just have no control over him. The other students are TERRIFIED!!! They all put their heads down and walk on the other side of the hall because of him and HE KNOWS IT!!
So fridy was an amazing day, because he spent the day in the office, and then at the end of the day he was working with the janitor and got into a fight. I hope that he wont be there next week, but I am not sure with our school. You never know with them. THey want to get rid of him, but they are scared of him as well. I really can't imagine another kid like him. The excuse though, is thats him. They can't stop him. I really love my class and I have only been in there two days. Without him we get so much done. WE played games, and we had fun without it ending in a brawl. Teaching is a hard profession. As they get older they are already set in their ways and their parents let them be that way.
The way it looks though is next year, I will be a fifth grade teacher. Hopefully I will prove myself, but you never know. I realy wanted third grade but they are losing people in fifth grade. hopefully I wont be there, but if that is Gods plan then so be it. He has me there for a reason and I have to find tha treason. II just hope I make it these last two weeks.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Well today is our 1 year annv.!!!!! I am so excited. Alot of people don't make it to this point!! I couldn't be happier. Well let me tell you about this weekend. First Matts sister and her fiance came up for chapel hill graduation but before they went we ate lunch and showed them the house. Now you have to understand that Matt and I talked about this weeks ago and since we bought the car we weren't going to do anything. He told me that this wasn't going to be like my bday where he says hes not doing anything but he does. So me being me thinks ok thats fine I got a car and a house that means everything to me so it doesn't matter. We can eat cake and talk about the wedding. So saturday rolls around and Katie and Chris leave to go to his sisters. Matt tells me I should go take a shower, which was weird since I had already taken one. He wouldn't tell me why. Finally he told me that we have dinner reservations that we have to meet. I was STOKED I mean I was so excited. So he drives and tells me it is somewhere inside the beltline. So he plays like he is going to get on the beltline and then swerves off and we end up at the melting pot!! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! We eat dinner. Well he got me a card which was BEAUTIFUL!! Then he says he got me another one. I open it and it is a GC to the spa to get a massage. So now I am flabergasted because he went way over!! I mean we weren't going to do anything. The other cool thing was that at the MElting pot they take a picture of you and put it in a frame so that was nice. Then he pulls out another gift. I am still in shock with the first one and dinner I can't talk. Then I open it and I cry because I knew what it was from the box. It was a past present future necklace!!! I couldn't talk!! I have wanted one for so long and he got one for me. He put a picture in the box of our wedding day. HES SO AMAZING!!Then we came home and watched a movie and ate cake!!! I love him so much. While at dinner he went to the bathroom and I just sat there and prayed to our Lord thanking him for all that he has given me. Matt and I wouldn't be here today if it wasnt for our God!! I don't thank our Lord enough for the love he gives me and the man he has sent to take care of me and love me eternally. Life is so amazing!! Being married is what God had planned for me and I couldn't think of doing anything else. I love waking up beside him each morning and know when I fall asleep this man loves me with every part of his being.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
going by fast..
Well time is going by so fast. I mean in one week we will have been married for one whole year. Most marrages don't last that long. I am so excited and I have never been happier. I mean we are doing so well. We bought a new car, we found a church, we talk about God, we are building our first home, we both have amazing jobs, and we are both VERY HAPPY!! Could things get better.
I love my job. In about a week I will take over a fifth grade classroom. I can't wait. I went in there yesterday and they asked me all kinds of questions. They wanted to know everything. I thought it was so cute. They really wanted to get to know me and they also wanted to know if I was strict. I can't wait to get in there, because finally I wont be on anyones time except mine. I will be able to make all the decisions. I can't WAIT!!
Katie is getting married in about five weeks. Time is going so fast. I remeber when she got engaged. This is so weird. I just can't imagine next year or when we have kids. Matt and I talked about that and I think we settled on 2007. So that means we will be in the house about a year, and then we will start trying. The only thing is that we have to get pregnant in the month of August or we can't keep trying till the next year because of my job. I have to have the baby right before summer starts since I have to still work. The other thing is finding someone to watch the baby while we work. So we will see!!
I love my job. In about a week I will take over a fifth grade classroom. I can't wait. I went in there yesterday and they asked me all kinds of questions. They wanted to know everything. I thought it was so cute. They really wanted to get to know me and they also wanted to know if I was strict. I can't wait to get in there, because finally I wont be on anyones time except mine. I will be able to make all the decisions. I can't WAIT!!
Katie is getting married in about five weeks. Time is going so fast. I remeber when she got engaged. This is so weird. I just can't imagine next year or when we have kids. Matt and I talked about that and I think we settled on 2007. So that means we will be in the house about a year, and then we will start trying. The only thing is that we have to get pregnant in the month of August or we can't keep trying till the next year because of my job. I have to have the baby right before summer starts since I have to still work. The other thing is finding someone to watch the baby while we work. So we will see!!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
softball: not the game I thought it would be
Ok so here is the deal. I suck at softball. I really wanted to play with our church, and now I am having doubts. I wanted to play because we would meet people, get some exercise and have some fun. THese people are serious atheletes. I mean the balls makes a sound through the air when they throw it. Then there is little old me who can throw it four feet before it hits the ground. I really hate it because I want to play, but I am not having fun. I am getting upset because I drop it and I can't throw it, and when I bat, it's a joke. I really try though, I mean I try to run at get it but my perception is off. I hate it, I told matt tonight on our way home that I wanted to quit because I feel bad for all the other people. It is two fold, its dumb for us to waste our money when we wont get playing time, and I suck so when they do have to play us they lose. I feel bad, but the hardest part is like playing the game which is why I have trouble. I love playing an organized sport. If we were playing kickball I would be great. Or dodge ball. I love those games. I have alot of thinking to do tonight. I may just tell them tomorrow at church that I am going to let them have their game, and I will just come to some games and cheer on. They have two other guys coming tomorrow that are really good so that means we really wont have any playing time. Ohwell. I guess maybe I should start a dodge ball game or even four squares. I am really good a jump rope. :)
Friday, April 28, 2006
its hard sometimes
Ok so my little brother and I had a conversation the other night that has really kept me thinking. He doesn't belive in God. He thinks that religion brain washes people and he doesn't understand why people follow something so "blindly", expecially when the facts don't add up.
It was hard for me because I am not so savy when it comes to quoting the bible and giving all the information that a non beliver needs. I felt very inadequit because I was unable to have a fair talk with him since I am still so very fresh with learning and reading the bible. Matt told me to drop it but I felt in my heart that God wanted me to continue and he would provide the words. THat is something I pray about alot, is that GOd would give me the words to help James see. I hurt inside thinking that I an unable to give him all the proof he needs. I know that God doesn't expect me to but I feel that my purpose is to help lead James to Gods love, but he wont have anything to do with it.
I know that in the past I felt the same way as James. I had so many questions and I didn't understand why God did the things he did, but you know my life is so much more amazing then before. I know the reason and that is the live God has for me, and that I accepted him in my heart. I just wish I was able to show James. THe thing I did do what give James the examples that showed me that Gods love was real. I know that is what God wanted me to do because he was the one that gave me the words.
It was hard though, because the questions James was asking were legit. Like why aren't there dinasours in the bible? Or the bibles timing is WAY off comapred to how long the earth has been around. Or why does it seem that God is giving an altamatum, its my way or the highway to hell? I didn't have the answers but all I could do was tell him that Gods love has changed me and that my life is so diffrent now that I belive in him and that he loves me.
What is hard is to think that even though I belive and pray for James, and he never sees Gods love and really accepts Jesus Christ as his personal savior, I wont see him after this life. That just made my stomach turn. I mean it is hard because I see Gods love but I don't want to think that he would let that happen. That is the hardest part for me. I know that all that I can do is pray, find those answers that James is looking for and witness to him more. I also know that through time I will be able to read more and to have more proof that God is real and that he loves James.
Well on a lighter note, in a few weeks I will become a fifth grade teacher. I can't wait but I can wait. I am scared that I wont be a good teacher, and then I think that wont happen, because if I think that then it wil happen. I am sad though because I wont be with my children during the last few weeks. Today I had to young third graders tell me I was really pretty today. It made me feel so good. I really love teaching so much. I mean each day I wake up I am so happy to go to school and be there and see their faces. THey are getting on my nerves now, but that is ok because we only have a few more weeks.
It was hard for me because I am not so savy when it comes to quoting the bible and giving all the information that a non beliver needs. I felt very inadequit because I was unable to have a fair talk with him since I am still so very fresh with learning and reading the bible. Matt told me to drop it but I felt in my heart that God wanted me to continue and he would provide the words. THat is something I pray about alot, is that GOd would give me the words to help James see. I hurt inside thinking that I an unable to give him all the proof he needs. I know that God doesn't expect me to but I feel that my purpose is to help lead James to Gods love, but he wont have anything to do with it.
I know that in the past I felt the same way as James. I had so many questions and I didn't understand why God did the things he did, but you know my life is so much more amazing then before. I know the reason and that is the live God has for me, and that I accepted him in my heart. I just wish I was able to show James. THe thing I did do what give James the examples that showed me that Gods love was real. I know that is what God wanted me to do because he was the one that gave me the words.
It was hard though, because the questions James was asking were legit. Like why aren't there dinasours in the bible? Or the bibles timing is WAY off comapred to how long the earth has been around. Or why does it seem that God is giving an altamatum, its my way or the highway to hell? I didn't have the answers but all I could do was tell him that Gods love has changed me and that my life is so diffrent now that I belive in him and that he loves me.
What is hard is to think that even though I belive and pray for James, and he never sees Gods love and really accepts Jesus Christ as his personal savior, I wont see him after this life. That just made my stomach turn. I mean it is hard because I see Gods love but I don't want to think that he would let that happen. That is the hardest part for me. I know that all that I can do is pray, find those answers that James is looking for and witness to him more. I also know that through time I will be able to read more and to have more proof that God is real and that he loves James.
Well on a lighter note, in a few weeks I will become a fifth grade teacher. I can't wait but I can wait. I am scared that I wont be a good teacher, and then I think that wont happen, because if I think that then it wil happen. I am sad though because I wont be with my children during the last few weeks. Today I had to young third graders tell me I was really pretty today. It made me feel so good. I really love teaching so much. I mean each day I wake up I am so happy to go to school and be there and see their faces. THey are getting on my nerves now, but that is ok because we only have a few more weeks.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Got the BEST annv. present EVER!!!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
So things are going really well. I mean it would be even better if we won the lottery but you know. The house is still a hole in the ground, but they told us the basement will take a long time. Hopefully it wont raing anymore this week and they can keep on working on it.
School is going great. They told me last week that I will be teaching fifth grade at the end of the year because a teacher is leaving for maturnity leave. I am really excited, nervouse and sad. I am sad cause I am going to miss the last few weeks with my third graders. I really love them so much. I am nervouse because I started to think of all the things that could go wrong. They are so much taller then me and they are really not wanting to be your friend. I have some of them in ALP and so that will make it easier. I really like the kids alot and I know candy goes a long way so that is my plan to have tons of candy and use it to my advantage. :) I am really excited though because this will be my first time with my own room. I mean its scary cause if I screw up I am in trouble. My only fear is that since I am taking over her room, I will take it over for next year because she wont be back. I wouldn't mine fifth grade, but I really like third.
Well time if going by so fast. We are about to have our one year annv. I mean how wierd is that. I can't belive it. I am so excited. We arent going to do anything since we have the house, but I wish we could. I know that its not about going somwhere or anything but it still would be special. WE brought our cake up to eat on our one year. I am can't wait to take a bite.I didn't get to eat alot on our wedding day. I actually didn't even eat any food. I took a plate with me to the holtel but we didn't eat it. We orderd room service later that night.
Well things are going great, that is an update on what is going on!
School is going great. They told me last week that I will be teaching fifth grade at the end of the year because a teacher is leaving for maturnity leave. I am really excited, nervouse and sad. I am sad cause I am going to miss the last few weeks with my third graders. I really love them so much. I am nervouse because I started to think of all the things that could go wrong. They are so much taller then me and they are really not wanting to be your friend. I have some of them in ALP and so that will make it easier. I really like the kids alot and I know candy goes a long way so that is my plan to have tons of candy and use it to my advantage. :) I am really excited though because this will be my first time with my own room. I mean its scary cause if I screw up I am in trouble. My only fear is that since I am taking over her room, I will take it over for next year because she wont be back. I wouldn't mine fifth grade, but I really like third.
Well time if going by so fast. We are about to have our one year annv. I mean how wierd is that. I can't belive it. I am so excited. We arent going to do anything since we have the house, but I wish we could. I know that its not about going somwhere or anything but it still would be special. WE brought our cake up to eat on our one year. I am can't wait to take a bite.I didn't get to eat alot on our wedding day. I actually didn't even eat any food. I took a plate with me to the holtel but we didn't eat it. We orderd room service later that night.
Well things are going great, that is an update on what is going on!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ok so matt and I just got back from our house and they actually started!! I am so excited!! In the pictures you see me standing where our basement room will be!! Life is so amazing!!
Ok so my bestest got married this past weekend. It was the prettiest wedding. I thought she looked amazing!! The food was GREAT!!! I had three glasses of wine and I was about to fall asleep. I think Matt and I were the first to leave cause I was so tired.
School is going great. We have 41 days till the EOGs and so the kids are getting nervous. I can't wait to see their scores because I want to know how well they did. I am so ready for summer though. I am worried I wont be able to find a job but I really need one. I would like to work somwhere brainless.
We are going to Charlotte for EAster to see the family. If anyone was nervous I fit so well into the bridesmaid dress. Just pray I don't gain any weight because I would not fit then. I really like the dress alot, Katie did a great job picking one out.
Two nights ago I wasn't able to sleep because I realized that my little brother was turning twenty. Its really hard for me to see him being twenty because not but a few months ago I was twenty and James and I aren't anywhere near each other in our life stages. I hope that he is doing well in school and that he really is making some changes. He seems to be with this really great girl. I hope that they make it as well. I am so proud of him for getting through allt hat he has and for making a great change!! He is really making his dad proud to!! I wish the best for him and hope that he will have a happy life!!
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